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Everything posted by Salmon_Run

  1. I use these and you can remove them from year to year or leave them for further use. They drive in pretty easy; there are lots of great videos out there to get you going. Good luck this season...
  2. Oh yes...It's predicted as a warm weekend and I'm headed North shortly. From the tree to.....well....this !!!!
  3. I believe the confuse here is there are now two topics posted under one header regarding handguns being confiscated after a death, and now hunting over bait. The most recent being you and your friends have been charged and accused with hunting over bait.
  4. A very sad day in our history to be never forgotten or lost from our thoughts and prayers. Thousands died and many more suffered and continue to suffer from the horrific events of this day. God Bless. Dan
  5. Memories, I grew up going to camp every summer with my grandfather who taught me the nuances of Adirondack brook trout fishing. Together we spent countless hours crawling over beaver dams and walking miles in search of those colorful little trout. I didn't have waders so wore old sneakers and waded along behind him. The limit was 10 back then and I remember several days harvesting our limit and then grandmother cooking them in bacon grease at camp.....it makes me happy that my children love the outdoors and camp (no cell or internet) access...they also are enjoying fishing these small streams.
  6. I thinks the politically correct way to say you wear a diaper.. I use a bottle; just remember after the season to dump them. Year old urine is nasty....
  7. Great looking mount !! I love the "Angle Soft" photo bomb too!!!!
  8. Yes, I will out there in the woods. I have some good early bear activity in my area. They are after a banner crop of choke cherries this year and have been stripping the trees clean. Good luck out there everyone....
  9. Thanks Turkeyfeathers. We slogged over beaver dams and through the brush to get this little gems. Brought back vivid memories I have from when I was his age. The are voracious eaters this time of year and are stunning in color.
  10. Teaching the son the skills for sneaking up on wild native brook trout in small streams can be great fun. He lost a few hooks and finally connected with a beautiful native trout. The frustrating part for him was casting and not putting it into the trees across the brook. He had fun and we limited out with enough for supper..
  11. Welcome aboard and good luck. There are numerous member in Saratoga County and they are are great at helping out with info. ENJOY !!!
  12. I have four well trained and behaved hunting labs and they are at camp every fall. One stays inside and the others have outside kennels we constructed. As long as the dog(s) are behaved and not running wild I have found no reason they can't be at camp. Your in a tough spot with this one, this makes me so realize I am in a much better spot owning my own small plot of land and camp while hunting state land. Best of luck with reaching a positive outcome..
  13. Very nice, congrats !!!
  14. There like dragging a garbage bag of jello through the woods. They hang up on every thing, tried carrying one out whole with a pole between us and that sucked as the bear began swinging. If I ever harvest one again I would skin and quarter it and pack it out that way. I seen lots of early bear activity in the Hamilton County Area.
  15. Located some bear activity in the Adirondacks. They have a great early food source of cherries this fall.
  16. I have been at camp over the last two weeks and noticed a very early start to the fall. A fair amount of the trees are showing early color, beach nuts are opening and the bears are becoming nocturnal and scarfing every wild apple and choke cherry they can find. A young buck has a six point rack developed and he has been feeding heavily on the local berry bush plants. I sat and watched him for about 20 minutes eat berry bush leaves as fast as he could chew. I believe it's looking like an early fall......
  17. Skeeters have definitely rebounded into action with this damp weather. Just looked at the 10 day forecast and ONLY one day is scheduled dry with humidity less than 85%.. Hope September rallies with better weather !
  18. Seems like the black-flies have abated somewhat, but the deer flies and house flies are terrible. Wear bug spray and a head net are in order. As of yet *thankfully* there seems to not be an infestation of ticks that are prevalent in areas of other than the Adirondack Park.
  19. Glad you figured this out, Also at times they use a water based lubricant when they snake wires through conduit. I've seen that drip out of the conduit .https://www.grainger.com/product/5ZNP9&AL!2966!3!166591268592!!!g!311735031263!?gclid=CPHZ9Ir7uNQCFYaCaQodT_8I_g&cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA?campaignid=719343286&s_kwcid=AL!2966!3!166591268592!!!g!311735031263!&ef_id=WKYF7AAABb48E6H@:20170612184319:s Best of luck and be safe around that box
  20. My daughter (age 12) is a climber and she was absolutely amazed by this. She climbs year around in a local gym and in the mountains during season... Crazy brave or just plain crazy !!!
  21. This is well off the roadway at an old abandoned farm that I located. Last fall the apple trees were full of big apples that dropped and I placed a trail cam under it. The apples were dark red skin, almost pink inside and very sweet. Early fall the bears and other small game were there almost nightly until the apples were gone. Odd thing was that the deer seldom hit the area all fall. Here is the camera in daylight.
  22. Here are the pictures taken just ahead and right after this one. I believe I'm on the bobcat belief as well now....strange indeed... I've all but ruled out raccoon, pine martin and coyote...It looks more feline than canine in form and there looks like a lateral line in the fur where it is darker on top. Thanks everyone for their input....
  23. I firmly believe it is NOT a mountain lion but it looked strange by the angle.... I hate YOTES !!!
  24. The line is on the animal, I was thinking a coyote too, but the fur seems very short. I honestly have no idea and this picture was taken in between other hours apart and no other pictures have this animal.
  25. It's there now, didn't attach first try......
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