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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Someone posted this some time ago. Still funny . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  2. Almost 830 and nothing but squirrels so far in Geneseo . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  3. I did respond in this thread .... Thank you for the sarcasm ......
  4. I believe the choice on top -- Full Inclusion was way ahead . I bought a cross bow on a whim . I will give it a try . But .... I am not for Full Inclusion . I don't fight it , nor do I support it . Maybe when I get old and decrepit I might change my mind but I am only 75 .
  5. Call the local DEC . They could give you some advice .
  6. I have spent a lot of time searching for it with no luck . Using the search box didn't help find it either .
  7. I won't be going out until Saturday and the weather for that day doesn't look so great . We got some snow in Ontario , north of the 104 Corridor . There was a very slight drizzle but that has subsided . Is this part of the Global Cooling ?
  8. More Pics from my Walworth cams ...... No daytime cooperation .
  9. Good luck with your surgery and a quick recovery .
  10. The guy I work part time for is 10 years younger than me . He hunts ducks and geese but hasn't hunted deer in many years . He said sitting out in a stand and not seeing anything or getting a shot is too boring .
  11. Congrats Wooly . Any deer killed with a bow is exciting .
  12. I broke the clip on my Otter Box . Thought I was going to have to buy another one but was able to find the holsters on EBAY for $3.99 plus shipping and $2 off if I bought 2 so I did . Mine is also camo but enough Orange so it shows up . Congrats Stonearm !
  13. I used to see many cars/ trucks parked along the field and woods edges while driving to a hunting spot . It has become a rarity . We would also get several hunters coming into the north end of my SILs property but not anymore and there are few cars spotted on Country Club Road in Geneseo . Three guys have leased the property west of my SIL's . I never once saw anyone on that property and no shooting over there . Years ago , during gun season , we would hear all sorts of shooting around us . That has ceased . I also used to be able to get a deer between 9:30 - 11 am when hunters would get antsy and go back to their vehicles to take a break or just get up and walk the woods . That would get the deer moving . This no longer happens as no one is out there .
  14. As I stated , $3 isn't a lot but if it happens enough times , it all adds up . Almost always if an item is listed as "2 for $10" you would think that 1 would cost half as much ( $5 ) , but apparently this doesn't always take place . The clerk told me that Wegman's also does this . I check my sales slips a lot closer now . Sorry if I bored some with the posting but I was bored .
  15. Bought a few items at DICKs today . I was watching as the clerk rang things up . The item that came up wrong was some scent free laundry soap . It had a tag for 2 for $10 so I figured $5 wasn't bad and was going to get it even though I don't really need any at this time . It rang up at $7.98 and I told the clerk that it was 2 for $5 . She said , you have to buy 2 to get that price and I told her I didn't want it . I know it was only a difference of $3 but the point is , check the prices on your receipts or you might get ripped off . Same things go for clearance items . On occasion , they ring up regular price .
  16. At my age , I am not waiting . The deer I have seen are at a distance . If one gets close enough I will take the shot .
  17. Congrats on your deer and great shot . Enjoyed the story .
  18. Apparently the "Spell Check" isn't working either !
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