If someone spot lighted on property that I owned , I would be tempted to get their license number so I could possibly find their home and spot light it at 2 or 3 am some day . Fair is fair .
Personally I would never consider washing out a deer's cavity with pond water . Like said above . a lot of crap in the water .
Many ponds are fed from runoff from fiells that have been sprayed with insecticides and had manure spread on them .
Give me a break . How long do you hold a rifle up for 3 or more minutes ? That's why crossbow hunters use a bi-pod , mono-pod , treestand shooting rail , etc ..
Wanted 8H and 8F but none available . Got 2 for 8N so I can use them in South Bristol . I was told by someone that when he was at Gander Mountain , the fellow there said 8F tags would be available Monday . Does that make any sense or is it just BS ?
I was at DICKs today and bought 2 as they were on sale for $14.97 and used the $10 off a $25 purchase . I'll give it a try and if it doesn't work , i'll use it for an under arm deodorant .