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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I resolved not to make any more New Year's Resolutions ! I had my last cigarette at 8 am December 24 , 1979 and I put on more than 30 pounds over the years ..........
  2. It took a lot of screwing around to get the video to show but it was worth it . Great looking deer !
  3. Would you feel better if a different mod gave you a time out ? Just keep pushing the envelope ! Have you ever considered setting up your own site where you can argue to your heart's content ? Whomever else was banned in none of your business ! You aren't going to get a list of names !
  4. I watched as much of thew 2nd video that I could stand . Whack'em and stack'em dude !
  5. Welcome to Hunting NY
  6. Had to get up at 3 am this morning to drive my son into the AmTrack Station so he can catch his train bact to NYC . He lives in Jersey City , NJ . Wouldn't mind getting up that early if it was hunting season .
  7. I think he got a Gift Certificate for a Treat at Lake & Lyle ......... that's my guess
  8. Well , at least he didn't shoot Bill when he showed up toward the end of the video .
  9. Did you have left over tags because you shot what you needed and quit or what ?
  10. oops , I almost forgot , I also got a two man ladder stand ............ The Brickhouse blind goes on top of the 6' high Quad Pod Platform .
  11. I got an Ameristep Brickhouse Blind with a 6' high Quad Pod Platform Stand , A Dick's Card , a couple of Tractor Supply cards , and a set of re-usable hand warmers . Santa was in a pretty good mood .
  12. The guy needed some duck tape and a pillow . Tape her mouth shut and smother her ..........
  13. Welcome to Hunting NY . In the spring , take a drive to those areas and check with the local farmers . You might get lucky . Don't take this personally but don't wear camo .... just regular clothing . One land owner might turn you down but know one who might allow hunting . It's time consuming but worth the effort .
  14. I would suggest that in the spring you start knocking on doors and ask . The worse a property owner can do is tell you no . Look for big farm property as the owner may have a deer problem . You never know .
  15. Happy Birthday and have a great day ! Uhhh , I think Thomas Jefferson said that but I won't quote him .
  16. I watched a couple episodes and it's one of the lamest shows on TV .........
  17. I was thinking the same thing ...........
  18. Don't egg him on Belo and maybe he will stay away like he said . "Dont let the door hit you on the way out..." quote by WNYBuckHunter Sent from my e-machine T3085 160GB Desktop Computer
  19. Shot this buck in 2006 with the NEF Huntsman 50 cal ML . It was almost time to quit when he came out . Shot him at about 60 yards . When I went up to check , I noticed something strange looking . He had an arrow through his cheek and it was almost protruding from his neck . Someone had hit him in the head with an arrow and the shaft had broken off . I would hope the shot wasn't intentional but it wasn't a kill shot . When I removed the arrow , there was a wire attached behind the broadhead . I asked what it was and was told it was an attachment for a Game Tracker System and would have had a string attached . Apparently it didn't work .
  20. Nice . I have 2 TCs left out yet in Geneseo and I bet the batteries are dead my now . Probably won't get down there for a week or two ......
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