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Everything posted by airedale

  1. And he gives his typical deflection answer, If I was a betting person I would bet no and the same for his alter ego Left Field! Al
  2. The loose fitting cases of the 38 ammo should not effect their performance, they in fact load in the cylinder easier when using a speed loader. The 38 special cases also work better for light target loads especially with very fast powders like titewad or bullseye, their smaller case capacity gives better ignition with those light 2 to 3 gr powder charges. Those 38 cases can also be loaded with very heavy plus P loads that can come close to 357 ballistics. Make sure they are never used in a 38 spl gun. Al
  3. I cringed every time I saw what was probably an expensive rifle getting dropped and banged around. I once had a Ruger 77 458 Winchester mag, it was a heavy recoiling rifle but nothing like the 700 nitro in the video. I think half the problem was those guys were holding the rifle way too loose. Al
  4. Some Arab guys trying out an 700 Nitro Elephant Rifle
  5. Was a good day to hit the Squirrel woods, they were moving good, got a couple this morning and have enough for a good meal, am done for the year on Squirrels. Al
  6. And above we have another one of his typical trolling posts! Can not seem to post anything useful! Al
  7. I have heard of putting heated smooth stones in old wool socks and keeping them in pockets for hand warmers, I like the egg idea and having them for a snack. I once read somewhere that live Button Quail were kept in pockets as hand warmers. Al
  8. As far as I am concerned they are one and the same, they are "THEE" definition of being a message board trolls. They use a facade of being some kind of outdoor sportsmen for being a member but yet rarely if ever post anything useful within those lines, they look like a couple of phonies. It is abundantly clear that their sole mission on this board is to push their liberal socialist agenda and do it with no debating just deflection and cheap shots to stir the pot, plain old fashioned trolling. Al
  9. He and his alter ego Versatile Hunter are nothing more than libtard trolls, sez a lot about a person when they are supposed to be vacationing and they waste time day and night trolling and stiring the pot. A full fledged dedicated troll that should have been canned a long time ago. Al
  10. Congrats, a good savings on a good manual, I have the number nine version and still use a couple of loads I found in it. I sure wish Speer would bring back those half jacket pistol bullets in both 44 and 357. Al
  11. Getting around the second amendment 101, and just the beginning, frivolous lawsuits, fees and licensing schemes, permits, insurance to own, banning lead ammo, creating as many hurdles as possible making gun ownership as hard as they can. Al
  12. I have used swaged lead, hard cast and Berry's plated lead, they all have their uses depending on what kind of shooting you want to do. I bought bulk swaged lead back when I first started reloading and learned some hard lessons fast. They have to be loaded at very low velocities or you will have a lead plated bore. I had my first reloads loaded just a bit hot and was getting severe leading in my 357 handguns of the day. I made good use of the Lewis lead remover pictured below. I regulate swaged lead to plinking and target shooting. Hard cast is much better when it comes to leading, with the right alloy they can be loaded hot with little or no leading, in semi wadcutter style they work great for hunting also. Their drawback is the lube used on them can be very messy and dirty. Just started using the plated lead recently and I like them a lot, they are accurate, can be loaded fairly hot with zero leading and are reasonably priced. I have been using the 158 gr hp pictured below. I have not hunted with them yet but I think they will work fine with a properly placed shot. Al
  13. Jim Thorpe one of the best all around athletes ever and a hunter. Al
  14. Congratulations on your new 25-06, the cartridge is one of my favorites. Had the pleasure to own two rifles, one was a semi custom job setup strictly as a varmint rifle base on an FN Mauser action with a 26 inch Douglas premium barrel and topped with a Redfield 20x straight power scope, made a few unreal long shots with that one. The second one I set up fairly recently based on a Thompson Center Pro Hunter Encore single shot, this one I wanted to use as a dual purpose rifle for both Deer and Varmints. This one wears a (discontinued) Burris Timberline compact 4.5x14 which is very light and small to help keep the weight down. If you are a stand hunter not doing much walking carrying long distances and watching over open land a heavy high powered scope is great especially for long shots on Woodchucks. Firearms I use when on the move and especially when hunting woods I keep the weight down and use a bit lower power with big fields of view. Al
  15. I have only saw one Fox Squirrel ever, it was of the gray colored variety and was probably twice the size of an average Gray Squirrel. I have seen plenty of photos of them and they come in a wide variety of colors some of which are quite striking. Don't need many to make a good meal. Al
  16. The Lyman manuals are a good choice, I started out with the 44th edition and a few years ago grabbed a 49th edition. I still use a couple of those original loads today as I have found nothing better. I used to subscribe to Ken Waters Handloader Magazine, he had what he called a pet load section in the issues where he would wring out everything he could from a cartridge performance wise. Some years ago they took all of those pet load articles and put them in one over 1100 page massive book called "Pet Loads", it is my go to book when I start getting real serious. Sometimes one can find a used second edition fairly cheap on ebay, it is well worth having in a serious reloader's arsenal. The only drawback is it does not have data for the latest new cartridges. Al
  17. Congrats, I can tell you I am satisfied with my 6 inch GP100, you will have fun for years to come. Al
  18. A couple of more Squirrel hunting tidbits. Al https://www.cci-ammunition.com/cci-s...4002335&jb=361 https://www.cci-ammunition.com/cci-s...4002335&jb=361
  19. I do not know what one of those would be worth in 44 Special, for me the Bisley grip makes it one of the most natural pointing handguns ever. Al
  20. The animal that provides me with a hunt that sticks out above others in my mind are what I consider a trophy. Does not have to be some big rack or even a Deer as most of my best memories hunting are from small game hunts by far. A couple of Squirrels I took with a muzzleloading 32 cal Crockett Squirrel rifle are trophies to me. A young Coonhound I raised and trained treeing it's first Coon alone, that Coon is a trophy to me. A 6 point buck I dogged in snow for five hours before killing him is a trophy to me even though his rack is far from the best I have taken. A fox I squeaked across a field by sucking on the back of my hand using the then new 17 HMR that was a trophy to me. The longest shot I ever made on a varmint (Crow) that was trophy to me. And so on and so forth, Memories that remain vivid. Al
  21. Hey Robby, while not quite in the same league as your handcrafted horn what do you think of my genuine plastic Walt Disney Davey Crockett hunter's blowing horn, it's a beauty, sounds like a harmonica LOL.
  22. Snow is a hunter's best friend, when it comes to wanting to know what game you have in an area, it's movement and habits, it will tell the story if the time is taken to read it. Al
  23. The Hare gave up it's advantages by staying in the open and running on the hard packed road. Should have hit the deep snow and the thick timber and more than likely would have lost the Martin. I have had a couple of instances where my Beagle ran down and caught a Hare the same way. Al
  24. I took my cast iron skillet and painted it orange and use it for a reactive target on my backyard range. Most of my cookware is good old stainless copper clad Revere Ware that was made in Rome NY. Also have a set of the copper stuff made in Alabama. Al
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