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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. So what does it say when science has concluded that there were periods of higher temps in the recent past with lower CO2 levels? And during a period that didn't have Human carbon footprint?
  2. No way will he run in 2020. He doesn't have the balls to risk getting crushed. He'll be shooting for 2024
  3. Happy birthday old man.. Here's to many many more
  4. I am sure you will know this area and many guys from the area. The warm water outflow from the old coal burning plant Russell Station. Wonderful place to catch trout in the claws of winter. Also a magnet for ducks. Only down side is that in the town of Greece they don't allow firearms hunting in that area. Well lit turns out that the town line goes to some water line of Lake Ontario and doesn't extend into the Lake. We confirmed this with DEC. So for the late duck season we were set up in an anchored canoe on the Lake and not in the Town of Greece. Well it also turns out that there were folks set up in the public parking area that were there for the ducks too, but they were there to watch them not eat them. Well the called the LEO's and they came and called us to shore. We explained the situation and they didn't agree. They called DEC and an very nice officer came out and explained to them the errors of their ways. We limited out.
  5. I had one woman for two years follow me out to my stand on property I had permission to hunt, screaming and hollering that i couldn't be here. The first year she called the sheriff every time I went in and always had to show my license to them when I came out until she had cycled through about every deputy there was. They basically came every time she called (said they had to) but by the end of the season they just waved at me or if I was walking out they would chat a bit. At the end of that season she got in my face and we had a very loud chat and believe it or not I think I used a few words she hadn't heard before...lol. The next year (after the Hunter harassment law went into effect) she picked right up on opening evening where she left off. and I got out of the stand after videoing her and handed her a print out of the law. I said I was giving her one chance to disappear or the sheriff would be at her house. We've never seen her again.
  6. The Murray River delta studies/cores/samples in Australia are pretty interesting reading
  7. I guess in a manner of speaking when they look back in time in sediment records, ice cores, fossilized remains and utilize them as the basis. Plant records of species that appear in sediment of an area and the temps that those plants grow in today would be a pretty strong indicator.
  8. They compare the amount they want to issue with previous years' applications and that sets the odds for the draw. Say they determine they will issue 2 for every 3 that apply. That holds for the entire lottery period. Once the license period if over they look at the results. If they didn't give out as many as they wanted then they take the ones that didn't get them and do a random draw for the permits that are left. That is whey you could get denied and all of a sudden you get one in the mail later. It has happened to me twice in 7R before it was High/High.
  9. This is actually a pretty good read. It doesn't appear to be written with any "climate change" spin but talks about some pretty significant temperature variations during civilization's development and expanse. http://www.dandebat.dk/eng-klima7.htm
  10. Only reason I know for sure is I bought them that way one year. Thought I bought it all and then the price was low. The guy doing it was a dope at Dick's and I didn't have the patience to go thorough it again so I waited.
  11. No. The first special privilege you buy gets you an either sex. The second special privilege you buy gets you an antlerless only. If you bought them a week apart that is how they would be doled out.
  12. Given your comments about 10's of thousands of years to hit these cycles, what accounts for the higher temps during the Medieval and Minoan periods when they had PPM of CO2 at 287 and 275 respectfully. We are around 390 now? Shouldn't our temps be higher than those 2 periods?
  13. I have caught them in the 9 - 10 pound range.
  14. I've never fished in in the fall but I have caught some slammer eyes and small mouth in there. I would think unless we get a cool down, water temps will still be up a bit and the brown will still be down, but the lake is only 70' deep. Not sure if you have down riggers or not but if you don't it would be a good lake to run some dipsies on.
  15. Doc, I have heard mixed reviews on their ability with skeeters. I used them in Canada and they were the bomb for the black flies and i can certainly see the value in combating ticks. There weren't many skeeters out up there yet. The few I did see I let land on my hands that had the gloves on and they didn't bit me. I bought the baklava, gloves, shirt and pants. They remind me of the underarmor heat gear in their weight and feel. They would not be hotter than any other shirt and since they come in colors like white, tan, green and black, I could see just having that top on on a hot day. I will say that they didn't strike me as super durable becasue they are so thin. I could see then ripping if you were bush wacking in them. Used as an under layer they have done just fine for me so far. I think they are work the money.
  16. That's what I use. Love them but POI will differ from standard nocks
  17. I don't have the file but I'll see if he'll give it to me.
  18. That's why I asked my first question. These southern wild pigs are not like their Russian cousins. My boss went on a helicopter hog hunt in Texas last year. it was all Ar's in 5.56. I can't even tell you how many his tape has him shooting.
  19. get a good bullet and have fun. AR platform?
  20. are you talking Russian's or just pig hunting?
  21. I lease 110 through them. Works great for us. Great folks to deal with
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