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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Who are you looking to lease with?
  2. Sorry I missed it. If I hadn't blown a brake line on my truck I would have been there. Would have liked to see some I knew and meet some I hadn't yet.
  3. As a FFL seller I believe they have every right to no sell for any reason they do t feel comfortable with.
  4. I don’t think that is what the safe act says. There is an exception on the FFL transfers for between immediate family. I thought they defined it as parent and child or between siblings or between spouses
  5. Runnings in Brockport. not sure how big their selection is though
  6. Wings don't require a commitment? Every time I eat very hot ones I have to make an iron clad commitment for about 30 minutes after I wake up the next morning.
  7. I don't see any "surge" that is out of the ordinary for the yearly cycle. I do see stock prices down from previous years and they may have grabbed this topic like a lifeline to get free press and stir up the anti's business.
  8. In my opinion it is their choice to sell what they choose. So if they do not want to sell modern sporting rifles and don't want to sell higher capacity mags that is their choice. I do take some exception to them setting an age to purchase higher than the law requires but I could be convinced to accept that pretty easily. The lobbying is the straw that brakes the camels back for me.
  9. And they have hired a lobbyist firm to push their agenda in Washington. So keep pumping cash into the anti Second amendment machine.
  10. exactly.....Bucks are male college Freshman. If it time to eat they may hang at one bar/pub a couple blocks form your restaurant and not move around much. But let the time shift to going out and finding companionship and they will hit every establishment in town that has the ladies. If your property has the ladies they will show up.
  11. I see a lease as requiring two payments, the cost of the property and the taxes. The taxes are shot, money out the window and when you pay it is gone and provides no additional value to the property. The mortgage payment or cash you paid is value. If a lease is not over the tax value of the property I don't see how it is any more of a waste than owning and paying the taxes. (property appreciation aside)
  12. I wouldn't base your decision on what you think the neighbors will do. if he walks in front of you there is only one thing you know for sure. If YOU kill him he won't be there next year. What YOU do is all you have control over. Hunt so you enjoy doing it not by some standard others set for you.
  13. So what are the final details so I don't have to read back through 3 pages...lol
  14. That zucchini and squash makes some great pickles if you get overrun with them. Let them get big and take out the seed area. slice up and use your favorite pickle recipe. Great way to use the bumper harvest that happens with those two plants. I suggest making sure to use pickle crisp when doing them.
  15. I guess reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit so you can understand the difference in what I actually said. Fair enough. You also aren’t going to find anyone that supports LEO more than I do. But my comment holds and is accurate. They were lucky hits. And if a bystander was hit the neighborhoods would have been flipping cars, burning and looting.
  16. See that makes you sound liberal again. I didn't say you were a Lib I said that comment sounded like one. I'd also like to see where I speculated about the media calling for this guys badge? I mentioned public opinion but not the media. That makes you sound Lib too when you just make up your own facts
  17. I have them on my TC Encore. tad heavier than normal wood but I love them. I want one for my Remington 700BDL as well
  18. Come on you sound like a Liberal. It doesn't have to be an "either or" situation. one has nothing to do with the other. He can be angry about the criminals shooting and still voice concern about 18 extremely low percentage shots from the officer. I applaud the bravery and efforts of the officer and love the conclusion but the fact remains that the shots that connected were luck and "IF" his stray rounds had impacts other than were they did, the outcome would be very different and public opinion on this would be 180.
  19. I think the video you posted goes further to support the belief that the officer was lucky to make the hits that he did. trajectory angle compared to line of sight increasing as distance to the bad guys increases. Add to that high speed pursuit and it was luck. I would love one of our officers on the sight to set us straight. How many officers get to take part in live fire exercises shooting through a window while in a moving car that they are driving? Hell, even sitting in a stationary car shooting out to a target through glass.
  20. That is just fundamentally wrong. He would be shootign higher than his point of aim from his perspective in the car. How high at high speed and that distance? He got lucky on two counts. First that he got the bad guys and second that he didn't land a round on someone else. Do get me wrong...I love half of the outcome. Wish the wounded one had turned out differently.
  21. I think these are the style that it uses. Need the correct curve and hole spacing. https://www.agrisupply.com/field-cultivator-point/p/15511/
  22. It looks like the tines are in good shape and the holes are there. You could put on new nice sharp teeth on those.
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