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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Unfortunately Albany watered down the new poaching bill to get it to pass. It's better than it was but still WAY behind what it should be.
  2. I love following this thread. They sure seem like some good pups right there. I hate to be a Debbie Downer but for heaven's sake folks. Video of the shot? I don't know the details or anything but to me, with a bow, concentrate on what we are doing and stop trying to be the next great outdoor show. Take your pics at the end of a successful blood trail.
  3. I was looking on timber company websites. Opted that way so i could have 12 month a year exclusive use.
  4. I have a picture from 20 years ago with my daughter about the same age. A rabbit over one shoulder and a pheasant over the other. went out on a mop up/training hunt behind our Springer on a preserve. Still one of my favorite pics.
  5. They have to try this because everything else has fallen apart to date. All the pre-election crap---Fail Russian collusion--Fail Take out his SCOTUS nominee---Fail (if you think they fought this one hard, just wait until Ginsberg face plants and watch their melt down then) Tax evasion---. I can see what is gong to happen on this already. 35-40 year old activities under 35-40 year old regulations and laws were probably fine then but not under today's standard. Watch how they spin this. But I'll go out on a limb and predict---FAIL
  6. I understand. I was just trying to find you an option to take a doe. At least you have one tag you can take a doe on. most people I know that hunt 8H don't even get the tags there until the late draw becasue they are always available.
  7. Did you buy your Muzzleloader license?
  8. Only 6 more years for you to morn and then you will have a shot to put another socialist in.
  9. When are you going to be using them?
  10. Just gonna give this a bump for the evening crowd. We are up to $915 now and need to hit $1,500 with the new anonymous challenge. This will get the branch and the donor's matching dollars.
  11. Top notched Lad. I have met him a few times and was very glad to see him going after this. Something he talked about for a while.
  12. When that feeling stops is when i take up a different hobby.
  13. yes. They are gonna make pot legal but still a no no for shine
  14. John. A heads up on that 7400. Dad's 7400 was a longer action since it was a 270 win but it kept clipping off chunks of the soft nosed bullets we were using and jamming every once in a while. We went to polymer tipped and both problems disappeared.
  15. I carry Dad's as well. He'll be with you on every hunt.
  16. I would be willing to bet that all commercial operations are pasteurizing one of two ways. Hot or cold. Cold is by use of high intensity UV lights and that is a great one to use for hard cider.
  17. Honestly you would probably be adding campden tablets to kill off the natural yeast anyway? Nothing worse than a wild yeast that decides it wants to piss out alcohol with a funny taste to it.
  18. The article I read said 300,000 eggs per fish per year. That sounds like it could grow fast to me.
  19. http://ijc.org/greatlakesconnection/en/2017/10/invasive-eurasian-tench-threatens-lake-ontario/
  20. Never seen or heard of or about them. Any ideas on how they got here? aquarium fish?
  21. What some of the research is showing in the last few years is that the "youth hunt" initiatives are only marginally successful in creating hunters. Let's face it. if Johnny or Susie wants to hunt and ate taken out at 14 on a youth hunt they may very well enjoy themselves. But if their parents are not into the sport what is the likelihood that they get out again? There is a higher retention rate if the adults are targeted. That is one reason that drove the Field to Fork program in the QDMA thread I posted. You nailed it though. If an adult hunts the likelihood that their kids will, is higher than a youth who's parents don't hunt.
  22. Some may not be able to but if there are 4 buddies it doesn't take much studying to make that call. a 1.5 and a 2.5 don't look anything alike. Out here by me I see more 6 point 1.5's than I do spikes or 4 pointers.
  23. I don't agree. Depending on where he is located with this lease, point restriction are the least of my choices. He is dealing with seasoned hunters? If he Is, I would rather suggest just NOT shooting 1.5 year olds. Why let a spike walk through only to shoot the 6 pointer that is still a 1.5 year old. what does that change? I will also say that if you do this then stick to it regardless of what the neighbors do. If you have a 1.5 year old in front of you there is only one sure way it doesn't make it into the next season. That is if YOU pull the trigger. If you can get do tags then there is you freezer meat. If the guys that you hunt with are the type that they would rather lose an arm rather than say they didn't get a buck this year, and shoot any buck late season, then this won't work. If you are going to be on this lease for a while you may want to meet with the adjacent landowners. a Co-op is the perfect way to get like minded folks into a program that makes everyone's hunting better. Even if everyone near you won't do it, if a few do and then the others see the success they will increase their interest. In My opinion.
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