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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I not arguing that most probably couldn't or wouldn't. I just don't think we should discount those that are qualified and could because the many can't.
  2. And maybe the armed guard decides to sit outside. It doesn't have to be n all or nothing in one approach. It would actually be very stupid to put all of our eggs in one basket.
  3. It's nation wide. all 32 Field and stream locations and all Dick's stores
  4. Imagine that. No one on a NY board are talking about having an AR. go figure
  5. Arrested for what? having a rifle that changes components easily?
  6. So those wouldn't fall in the "qualified" group? I haven't heard one person say arm every teacher, no matter how the media tries to spin it. I know teachers I certainly would trust and put in that qualified group.
  7. Are you talking just to talk today? Sandy Hook was December of 2012
  8. They sure were and you know why? Because parts change so easily.
  9. Yes you can buy Ar's. Come on, you know better. The back counter in Field and Stream was lined with them. They all have the shitty stock but they are there (Were)
  10. Dick's closed yesterday at 31.80. I'll be curious to see what today brings.
  11. I whole heartedly believe that is part of the problem we are facing now. These kids have no fear and are not brought up to respect others. Hell, if I screwed up I could have gotten a but whooping from a teacher or a neighborhood parent. My parent's response wouldn't have been to call them out or make a stink. They would have apologized for my behavior, made me apologize and then given me a butt whooping that dwarfed the first one and grounded me until I moved out of the house. I literally spent entire summers grounded and confined to our property unless it was something for the family type stuff. The time there wasn't with my nose in the TV. I got chore lists that took the full day from the time the parents left until they got home. Didn't take long to figure out what behavior to avoid.
  12. The teacher doesn't sound or look like a high risk person to me. Now had he (justifiably) decked that kid you could make a case for your comment but seems he did it right.
  13. I'd be ok with the lunch lady if she was trained and qualified. I have a different take on the Sheriff's that stood down. To me that proves that you need as many qualified resources as possible in any situation to better the odds that someone can make the difference. Because you never know who will actually be able to act in any given situation.
  14. Does a nice job on things like a single layer of chicken breasts. Things that can be arranged like that. My daughter does sweet potato fries in it and has to keep opening it and stirring things up to get them to cook more evenly.
  15. It will crisp them up. To me it just doesn't taste the same. I also see that since the food isn't being moved around by the boiling oil, the spots that the fries are laying across each other don't seem to cook as well. if that makes sense.
  16. I lease year round and can post it. I go though Cotton Hanson. Runs about 23-25 an acre from what I’ve seen on their site and my property. Year round use and except for cutting trees i have run of it.
  17. Are you looking for just deer season? all hunting seasons? All year access?
  18. My daughter is on a healthy eating kick for the last 3 years. I got her one for Christmas. It's a fairly high dollar one. the basket will do 2 servings (But we all know how shall a real serving is..lol). And I will say this. It does OK. But don't confuse this with real deep fried. It's like comparing apples and bowling balls.
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