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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. The Founding Fathers argument is the dumbest that the Left uses. They knew exactly what they were doing. They just came out of oppression and set it up so it wouldn't happen again. I am sure they didn't envision the internet either. Should that not fall under the first amendment? Babies? Let me take a wild stab at your view of abortioin
  2. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s Also a good one. Table 20 is the one to look for in each year. That is homicides by weapon. There are also tables that look at homicides by sex, region, state, city and race. Very interesting but pretty stereotypical.
  3. 10,497 deaths from alcohol related car crashes in 2016 (doesn't count drug related) . 11,005 deaths from firearms in 2016
  4. I would like automatic death penalty for ANY crime using a gun. Even if not fired. Of course I'd also like to see the one appeal and done scenario too. I don't have a problem with background checks on everything. And since we are going national background checks I also would like to see national reciprocity to CC. The background I went through on my NY pistol permit I really didn't have an issue with. I could buy a national pistol permitting. Then that license IS my background check. As long as I possess that in good standing I should be able to buy over the counter.
  5. That is why I went to the firearms education in school. Seems like we push everything else there that the parents fall short on.
  6. That is really my biggest issue. If we gave in and said NOT "assault weapons", Background checks on all sales, Hell even a "you can only have 7 in your gun". It isn't going to change a thing becasue none of that is the issue. SO once they get what they want and nothing changes they go after the next tier. That won't change anything either and it continues to cascade.
  7. I haven't watched one is probably 10 years. Filled with too much BS and always edited to portray the "hunter" in the best light. I get it. It's their business. i just don't buy it.
  8. But the NY Officials won't put effort into correcting that one. It would be contrary to their desire to reduce the guns in peoples hands.
  9. When my daughter was very young. 4 or 5 I think. I had been up to hunting camp and had a pack of playing cards in my bag when I unpacked. I tossed them on the shelf in my closet. On that same shelf was a rear stock portion and hammers from an old percussion muzzle loader shotgun. No barrels. just stock, trigger and hammer section I was going to put fake barrels on it and hang it above the fireplace. Fast forward a few weeks and she wanted to play cards. Well anyone that has had young kids know that trying to find a deck of cards in your house without any missing is like looking for hen's teeth. So I sent her up to my closet to get the deck I put on the shelf. about 5 minutes goes by and she isn't back. I walk up and into the room and there she is standing in front of the closet staring at the shelf. I asked he what was wrong, couldn't she find the cards. She said "They are right there Daddy but they are on the gun and I can't touch that". Proud daddy moment right there. I knew she was listening and it was sinking in. I guess my point to this long winded story is I agree, Education is the key. I know the Left's collective heads would implode at the thought but I really think there should be firearms training in school. Hell we teach them about sex education and how to handle that and protect themselves. Why not firearms training and training on how to act during situations like an active shooter.
  10. schools are selected as targets becasue of the innocent, unprotected kids. Easy for the shooter with no resistance.
  11. mine is adjustable and graduated out to 60 yards. With the speed of my bow It basically stays put at the 25 yard setting. Pretty much point and shoot out to 30 except for the shots inside 5 yards and all sights have that hiccup. When Mine comes in handy is for those stands on the field edges. furthest I have taken a deer was 48 and it was feeding in the field. Plenty of time to range, adjust to the EXACT setting and no hold hold over or under needed. Like I said, mine doesn't get moved much but when I do there is plenty of time to adjust.
  12. I have had good luck at the Circle B in Brockport for boots and hats but that was a couple years ago. BUT If you truly want an wonderful hat that will fit like a glove (even custom made). Dave brown the hatter in Henrietta. Western singer and Hollywood stars go there. Very nice on hand stock as well.
  13. What party was it that severely cut back NY's psychiatric facilities and treatment? Was that "your party"
  14. Apparently he was at least sympathetic to ANTIFA and they are certainly trying to distance themselves.
  15. With cold nights I highly doubt that the warm days even with rain will cause the ice to be unsafe. I would recommend that since you are new go out through an area that others are using to. if in doubt drill a few holes on the way out to verify ice conditions. I don't personally like to be on anything less than 4" of good ice. Stay away from creek entrances that would have moving water. anything penetrating the ice like dock legs, trees or cattails will transfer heat faster and cause ice to melt faster. Don't be the first on the ice and follow the crowd, you'll be fine. It WILL BE slippery. I hope you bought some ice creepers for your boots. Nothing ruins a day like going down on the ice when there is standing water on top and getting soaked on your way out...lol
  16. Wonderful as usual. CAD --Computer Aided Design . Wolly is the free hand kind of guy. No automation there---pure artist.
  17. Do you use a hammer to put in screws? Yes a grinder will do the job but no way it will do it like a stuffer. We tried. It is night and day. If you are going to stuff with a grinder then I suggest gettign a foot operated switch. Handling the casings and not getting air bubbles in there is a two hand operation and then there is feeding the grinder. Also on our Italian sausage we don't even use casings anymore. We use 11" vacuum seal bags that are cut to about a foot long. Ad a little over a pound to each bag and seal. Then press flat so it is about a 1 foot square and about a half inch thick. Thaws quickly and then cut into quarters and grill like a hamburger. It is MUCH nicer having onions and peppers on a hamburger style bun rather than a hot dog style bun.
  18. even with the adult standing next to them?
  19. I would bet that the new graduates of the hunters education course are some of the safest in the woods. I can't recall a hunting accident that involved a new young hunter. Plenty with the folks that "have been doing it for years" . Can anyone think of a new young hunter incident?
  20. Crossfires are their current lowest model I believe. Copperheads (discontinued I think) Crossfires Diamondbacks Vipers Golden Eagle Razor
  21. Yeah but you also had the same reaction to the Women's lingerie section in the JC Penny's Catalog. lol
  22. Not necessarily overkill. If you evaluate the exit pupil size and the magnification you anticipate using the scope at you can get better efficiency at times with a larger objective. The higher the magnification the larger the objective required to get closer to transmission efficiency. For me I have about no luck getting a scope to line up properly in low rings. Add the Monte Carlo stock on to my 700 and becasue of the width of my cheeks, it is high rings or nothing. Since I am bringing up center line that far going up to a 50mm meant nothing. As far as being a maneuverability hindrance, you are basically talking a 3/16" radius difference between a 40mm and a 50mm. You really think a 3/8" overall width on the objective would cause maneuverability issues?
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