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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. We've got so many of these threads going that I can't remember which one I put it in. But the FBI Crime stats show that the Demographic of below 20 isn't the group with the highest number of homicides. Gotta believe that would hold close for firearm homicides.
  2. I'd feel a lot better on the vote if Ginsburg would face plant.
  3. Here is one to chew on a bit when considering if they are just doing this shit for PR purposes. According to the FBI Crime statistics. Of the know murderers (not just firearms but all) in 2016 only 16% was committed by under 19 years old. Age bracket 20-24 had 24% and age 25-29 had 18%, Age 30-34 was 12%, Age 35-39 is 9% and then is starts to significantly drop in the older age brackets. It doesn't appear that the under 21 would have the desired effect. (assuming the criminals would abide by the laws anyway) Or the other side of the coin is that maybe the real age should be 40?
  4. Honestly I get their caution especially with the suing culture we have. I don’t fault them for that. I said before I don’t really care if they decided not to carry a product. My issue really is with their public stance calling for bans
  5. I would love to see the questions that were used to determine that. Take myself. If asked if I supported any provisions for stricter guns laws and were given mandatory background checks nationwide and on private sales, I would end up in the 68%.
  6. Just did a little reading on Olive wood. Didn't know anything about it. Apparently it has natural antibacterial properties. Cool. Thanks It appears to be a pretty hard wood. If you want more than just a surface treatment let me suggest a process I have used. It really can be used with treatment that would rub on and really get it in deep
  7. We're having our QDMA banquet on May 5th in Henrietta, come on up and bring you credit card. I know for sure there will be between 12-16 guns, a Montana Elk hunt and an Alabama Whitetail/hog hunt plus a crap load of other prizes.
  8. He was not my choice for the Republican Candidate but I ended up with him. In comparison to Hillary I had no choice but to vote for him (not that the vote meant anything in NY). I openly said I only had two expectations with him in office. 1. Nominate and seat at least one SCJOTUS that took a traditional view of the Constitution. 2 . Do not allow any further slide in the 2nd amendment infringements. If this was Major league baseball I would be happy with hitting 500 but not in this case.
  9. It isn't a generalization. The FBI crime statistics back it up It isn't even close when you look at the murder with firearms by race table. If it saves just one life it's worth it, right?
  10. but that would make a difference and giving up some civil liberties in this new world is ok?
  11. Given that last sentence, since the vast majority of gun violence is committed my minorities, could you get behind banning their owning of firearms?
  12. Read the memo. They are pulling them in all 32 Field and Stream stores.
  13. Oh buy some reloading equipment and be done with it...lol. I know you need another hobby anyway.
  14. I don't have an issue with any business making a decision to carry or not carry product. Have at it. The arbitrary increase of age and their statement calling for bans is my issue. Their decision is clearly a PR stunt. If they were truly concerned about the youth and gun violence and not just pandering, they would have removed handguns, since that is where the real statistics are.
  15. Wasting your breath. He is in the “go ahead and ban what I don’t have group”
  16. Corporately I can''t see how it works for them. Field and stream is big into hunting. Some camping and some boating but then it's fishing and hunting. They have to be looking at 40-50% of that business. It might not be that high in actual AR sales by any stretch but I can't think of a time I have walked in there on the fishing side and came out with anywhere close to the amount spent when I make a trip in for hunting. I know I am looking for the "In their face" moment and they fail miserably.
  17. I'll make the trip or go without. I've killed lots of game over the years without much of what I carry now. I think I'll make due. I am also not supporting the band wagon hoppers removing NRA support like Delta. I won't be flying them for business anymore.
  18. I'll order on line and if I really am caught short I will pay a bit higher at Runnings or make a trip down the thruway to Cabela's. Hopefully Bass Pro gets opened soon. They've seen my last penny.
  19. Narrow minded view. They are a national company, this is a national topic and they pulled them from national stores. NY blows. We all know that. the little views of "it doesn't effect me" is what will allow them to gain traction.
  20. I guess if it was so likely to happen we would have had a situation like this with the areas that can carry in school already
  21. I give up. you win. Dick's quit selling them 12 years ago. no one is buying them anymore in NY and the compliant guns are not even close to the same weapon as a non compliant one.
  22. I'll go to Cabela's, Bass Pro, Runnings or buy on line. Anyone else hear a rumor that Beikerks is closing up the Rochester store? I figured it wasn't far off when the opened the PA store.
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