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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I have 4 Crossfires on hunting rifles. Great scope for the money in my opinion BUT I would not go that route if I wanted a long range rig. Honestly it just isn't clear at long range. I have looked through the Vipers and they are. I have also heard the Diamond backs are much more crisp at long distance than the crossfires. It would be outside you budget but I LOVED my Leupold VX (can't remember if it was a 2 or 3) in 6.5-20x50 on a bull barreled 22-250. It was crystal clear at 500 and I could see the dew come off the chucks in the morning when I hit them.
  2. yeah, redoing the permit with the county does nothing for this process. It HAS to be through the State Police.
  3. Oh you will stop hunting with a bow. I guarantee it.
  4. So it is a private sale issue that you are referencing and not anything at all to do with gun shows? becasue if Billy Smith lives in Maine and he wants to sell his guns he can put an ad in the paper, put out a garage sale sign or I guess go pay to have a table at a gun show to sell them. if he is NOT a dealer he would not have to run background checks. That is in any venue that I mentioned even out of the back of his truck at the local Walmart parking lot. I have been to gun shows in probably about a half dozen states so I can't speak to everyone by any means but the tables I have seen selling firearms have been dealers. Unless they are highly collectible firearms or antiques It just would not pay to put out the expense for an individual.
  5. my bet is the latter or he is talking about private sales that most states allow becasue they don't have the Un-Safe act
  6. Why not? it is a claim the Anti's are using and I'd like to know if it has merit. Is their truly a loophole or is it actually illegal activity that a new law wouldn't have any bearing on anyway. Out in public sounds like the perfect place.
  7. You made the claim, I would like to know specifically what you are referencing
  8. There was this one Big Burly African American guy on that show Alone. The first show it has them at home with family and getting ready to go. They were going to Vancouver Island I think. He kept talking about how he was gonna make that place his bitch. He tapped out the first night when he heard something growl in the darkness....LMAO
  9. Back when men were men and women were......well they were basically men too...lol
  10. That one show Mountain Men had the one goof Eustace. He was in North Carolina mountains. That seemed about right for it...lol
  11. I'd like to think I could have done it. Getting a few too many years and body breakdowns now to want to try. I believe I could if I had to. I like to think I am pretty knowledgeable and resourceful with a faint hint of McGiver. The show I like is Alone. No cameras there except what the survivalists self shoot. one medical check up a week. Last person standing wins the 500k. I think the one winner had to go over 3 months. In my book to prove you can do it you almost have to go a year and go through all the seasonal changes.
  12. that would be a comfortable load. That isn't even 38 special limits
  13. Friend of mine has the Ruger LCR 38+P. It is NOT a pistol i would enjoy shooting a bunch of practice rounds with. Size wise it would make a great little CC gun but with +P in it, it is a wrist snapper.
  14. I get it. Honestly though, I've followed it so little this year I didn't even know what the time of the game was. Might be driving back from ice fishing...lol
  15. My 11-87 has that same flat black finish. If you just say the word "moisture" in the same room as the gun it rusts.
  16. He didn't force anything. Guilty feelings for going to watch it? I'll be ice fishing or squirrel hunting
  17. Check with WNYBuckhunter. I think he looked into this a while back and new some companies.
  18. Could be. It is a game of thousandths. Not a tight enough fit and it can not get the correct spin from the Rifling. Too big and loading in the sabots and hulls can be a bear and effect how the crimp releases. It is a game of all the components together. Really more moving parts that loading brass cartridges. There is some good info on shotgun world.
  19. That is where I bought my sabots and overshot cards and cushions. http://www.ballisticproducts.com/RSS-12-Rigid-Structure-Sabot-only-12ga-50_bag/productinfo/322RSS/
  20. I’ve got an Encore. But I hunt with guys that like the ability to have multiple rounds available. Loaded sabot Ammo is highway robbery.
  21. It was the Remington and they don’t make it anymore. The problem I was having was getting good separation. Velocity was perfect but the sabots were too soft even using warriors over shot cards and buffers. When they didn’t come out clean the POI was effected. The bullets on occasion would push back into the sabot base and not come off clean. Been looking for a harder sabot and was going to try a lighter bullet. Just haven’t gotten to it.
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