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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I'd love to hear your hunting background. Where you hunt and how you hunt
  2. I think think you have it wrong. There are a lot of bowhunters here. Most just understand what hunting is about and know that inclusion won't effect their enjoyment. I've been bowhunting since 1983. The hunting we have here now and the availability of deer are heads and shoulders above what it was. Not only the amount of deer out there but the tag structure the state has now.
  3. The really great part, even with full inclusion is that you still have that choice.
  4. I guess if you measure success by inches I can understand you approach to this topic.
  5. It must be evil. According to some here it will single handedly ruin bow season and account for a huge spike in poaching.
  6. 02-03--204000 03-04--198000 04-05--216000 05-06--201000 06-07--237000 07-08--232000 08-09--252000 09-10--261000 10-11--239000 11-12--220000 12-13--219000 13-14--192000 It seems like a fairly consistent harvest since 2002.
  7. Welcome. That probably only tells half the story though. what is the annual harvest numbers for those years?
  8. I had a pump just like this. Shooting BB's at balloons that were stapled to a wooden picnic table. about 20-25'. shot #1 and balloon moved and heard a strange metal "ting". shot #2 and the same thing. with that second shot I felt a small vibration with the "ting". The BB was coming straight back and hitting the end of the barrel. up a fraction and it could have been bad.
  9. I'd love to see a one buck rule. and All Antlerless take to be by the lottery system.
  10. seriously though. I would NEVER get a kid a BB gun. Pellets yes but no BB's. They do ricochet too easily.
  11. Now don't you go injecting any logic in this thread...lol
  12. I don't see how legalization would effect the illegal use during poaching. Do you think that because it isn't a legal implement it would stop their using it at night to poach? Or does just owning one of these evil weapons push a person over the line and make them a poacher?
  13. Ruin it? How? Has it ruined it for other states like Ohio? My hunting partner actually carries one. We hunted the last two weeks of the season together. Funny thing is the deer didn't run out of the county just becasue what he had in his hands. Was a very good couple weeks for deer movement too. I'll have to let him know the reason I didn't get the two bucks I was targeting was becasue he "ruined" my hunt.
  14. Let's get down the to brass tacks. If no one is saying you MUST use a crossbow, what is your real issue? you can still hunt as you enjoy, No?
  15. Just got thinking about what my first deer was taken with. I may have misspoke earlier. It was my Grandfathers old Remington Model 9 shotgun. One of the most dangerous shotgun ever made and I don't mean to the animals. Full choke and over 30 " barrel if I recall. Oh and did I mention it was dangerous and kicked like a mule.
  16. we have a CRAP luck with the SST's and the shockwaves that are made for TC by Hornady. 45 hole in and 45 hole out. crappy blood trails. The only good blood trails with those have been quartering to when I can get into bone before vitals. Gonna be Barnes ML bullets next year and a different 12 ga sabot.
  17. You really need to get out more. Hop on a hunting forum for the western states.
  18. I just googled it. Apparently it is in 150 and 190
  19. I am sure it would but grain alcohol is best. not sure how the taste would be. I have had it with lesser proof Everclear and I think that is about 150 proof.
  20. Merry Christmas to everyone here and your families. I hope the New year brings more blessings than you wish for. For those of you with young kids and will be up until 2 am on Christmas morning putting the gifts together, cherish it. It is fleeting. They grow up so quickly. Hold your family members close, every day is a gift and not guaranteed.
  21. Do take has to be managed. Just the opposite of what you are saying should happen. There should be NO antlerless or either sex tags for the bow or ML. you get a buck tag (or two) fill it in the season you want and ALL doe take should be in the lottery system. if an area is low on population then there aren't many but all hunters have the same shot at gettign one. if the area has a high population then issue more.
  22. Never seen those exact ones. I like the ones that have the threaded end so once you screw them in they can not be releases. Has a simple push type flip open on my once and it was the one on my tube cap for my 1100 . gun flipped back and landed right on my scope. That can't happen with these. http://ads.midwayusa.com/product/684015/blackhawk-lok-down-sling-swivels-1-1-4-steel-blue?cm_mmc=pf_ci_google-_-Shooting+-+Slings-_-BLACKHAWK!-_-684015&gclid=Cj0KEQiAkO7CBRDeqJ_ahuiPrtEBEiQAbYupJQKIAJQfD4fhZo71Dv6y1lyWmldfuDdb_maNq08EvrIaAgI-8P8HAQ
  23. The way you tossed it out there, I bet many read that into it. That was all I was saying. Tha part in bold. Sure is sad that we now live in a place and time where it is guilty until proven innocent.
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