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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. But they are both getting 14 weeks more than they are owed. Just for perspective.
  2. I know engineers that were told the same thing in college..."You are worth more to those that don't have you" Switch employers ever few years to push their wages up. They were the first ones that were let go after 2008 becasue their wage exceeded their experience. a "warm body" was no longer needed. I review resumes as a big part of what I do. Showing no commitment to long term employment is a circular file and not into a first interview. the "kids" now a days want a promotion and title and to then be trained for the new position. When I came up, you spent extra time, learned more than was required for your position and proved you had the capabilities for a higher position. For the most part, good employees are not without work.
  3. Let's just say the cost would rival a new gun purchase...lol
  4. Better check requirements. If he sold it it would not need to be in trust. You trying to tell me every relative would have to put investments and real estate in trust?
  5. I did see the ratings. I am actually leaning towards the Ninja 1500 watt. At Best Buy I can get a 2 year in store replacement for $20. and It has a 72 ounce pitcher for when I get the margarita bug in the summer http://www.bestbuy.com/site/ninja-mega-kitchen-system-72-oz-blender-black/6957188.p?skuId=6957188 I have to get to a store and lay eyes on them though. I haven't seen the Bullet the guys are talking about.
  6. Our blender does crush it but it does leave some chunks that won't go up through a straw and clog it up. The suggestion to buy a bigger diameter straw didn't go over well...lol
  7. OK, the wife wants a smoothie maker for Christmas.She wants one that basically scares the ice into small pieces when you just think of turning it on...lol Well looking and the reviews and online recommendations and it seems like the best ones are about $300-$500 and are in the 2-3.5 horse range. she'd a blender style rather than the type that makes is right in the glass like the Bullet. Has anyone used one that really does a great job and totally crushes the ice?
  8. have never had a diver duck that was worth more than fertilizer. blah!!! They have to be on the top of my list as the worst. Caribou was mid list pretty bland and no where near as good as venison. Would have to put elk and moose at the top for me.
  9. I am so sorry to hear this. My condolences and prayers to you and your family. Having lost my father/best friend/hunting partner a year and a half ago to cancer, I know your pain. It takes a long time to ease when someone is that big a part of who you are. You hit the nail on the head about how he passed and how he would have wanted to go. If I could write that script for me it would be just like that. Take care and hold the memories close.
  10. I don't understand that one. Can you elaborate a bit more?
  11. Optics are very good on them. The illuminated dot shows up very well and is easy to see, especially at night. .
  12. Do they hold the same POI for both rounds? I can't imagine that there would be much difference at 35-40 yards. At this point I can't see beating yourself up over it. Sometimes we do everything in our power and it just isn't enough.
  13. That is a point and click 200 yard round. What bullets are you using?
  14. I've seen that happen two times and both were on very cold days and the snow was that light fluffy cotton candy snow. They both played out the exact same way. The hot blood would literally fall through the snow and leave no signs at all on top. I talked the guys I was with to follow both up becasue we did find a small amount of hair at the shot location. after we found both deer I walked the tracks back and kicked around in their tracks a bit and the blood was there right down towards the bottom of the 6" of snow and there was quite a bit of it in both cases.
  15. start with the easiest and cheapest first. Check the belt.
  16. you 04 has a digital speedometer? my 03 is analog
  17. belt.. engine is running well and rev.s up ok? goes into gear but won't go forward or backwards? Have you ever replaced the belt before or is it original?
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