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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Look at 2013 numbers. Not taking Doe permits into it. Regular season (gun) took 80,691 Bow took 36,676 Now they don't break the doe permits out by weapon so lets be generous and apply the same percentages above to the doe permit numbers and total Regular season (gun) took 147,973 Bow took 68,339 I can't seem to find the bowhunting license sales numbers for 2013 right now.
  2. Yeah. NY bowhunters can't get the harvest numbers that we annually need.
  3. Do we think that a poacher that is shooting out of season or with an illegal weapon or on posted property or possibly even without a license will be deterred by losing their license? I don't see it. They are proving they don't care to follow the laws. Now if you slammed a heavy, scaled fine system along with MANDATORY confiscation of all property used in the crime I think you may have something. While we are at it, is it possible un NY penal law to make poaching much more that a violation?how about a misdemeanor? Or how about a felony and we all now what that means for firearm ownership in the People's Republic of New York.
  4. Won't work. bowhunters can get the take numbers required for population control. Also look at license sales in NY. There are far more gun only hunters that bow hunters or combination.
  5. Agreed, Here is you buck tag, use it in any season you wish. But they do need to really ramp up the fines associated with taking multiple bucks on others tags and other forms of poaching. Otherwise it just creates an environment to breed more of the use of others tags.
  6. JFB, my comment that you were speculation was about your comment that "And I slam drivers because so many of them are the ones pooling their tags and that's illegal." I don't believe there are any more drivers "pooling" tags than other style of hunters. Actually I am aware of more bow hunters that do it than gun hunters.
  7. We've always hung head down. IMO it is easier to skin and process that way and the sequence I use leave the deer fully supported with very little hair on it that way. Skin down to head, cut off head shoulders off back straps off, cut off rib cage take the hind meat off the bone. All the cut parts drop into a tote and the deer is raised or lowered so there is no bending or squatting.
  8. Better analogy, what about playing on a softball league and when you get to the plate, you decide that YOU will get 4 strikes and not the 3 that everyone else gets? You may have team mates that wouldn't mind but how about the other team? Since you can make the rules on the amount of strikes for you , a guy on the other team decides he should get 5 then. Then your shortstop wants 6strikes? Where does that leave the integrity of the sport when rules are just a guideline?
  9. Wow. my Encore is like a pin hole in the breech plug. 1/8"? Really?
  10. Really isn't a need for us anymore since there are so many doe tags issued in the areas we hunt now but it was common practice growing up when you needed 2,3 or 4 hunters on a doe permit. One guy got to shoot and then the meat was all split. Like I said, we don't do it any more but do give deer to any of our group that hasn't been able to connect
  11. I could see where it says he is but didn't know where he hunts.
  12. Rob, read what he is saying. IF it was killed in NY our scoring can handle it. but it wasn't
  13. JFB, where are you hunting? I have not heard 12 shots in the last two weekends at camp. (There was none on Saturday and only 3 on this Sunday Those 3 shots were the same guy.). I Hunted this past Friday and Thanksgiving morning at home. number of shots are way down. Saturday night I went to the bordering state land parking areas where my camp is. Not one fresh car track in the parking areas and wee still had snow. 2,500 acres that is barely getting touched.
  14. Only got four does this year so far. Still have ML season and I am usually pretty luck there. But if I hadn't scored a deer, sitting next to my nephew while he took his first deer ever and it was a nice spike, ranks this as one of the best seasons I have had.
  15. can you read this again. Seems to contradict itself.
  16. I understand. was just wondering if you had come across anything additional about it.
  17. I like the liver with just a touch of pink in it. I don't like it over done and I do as you described but fry it in bacon fat.
  18. You guys get the authorities involved?
  19. Seems down from what I remember seeing last year?
  20. you can. I was speaking to general use. I didn't thing the OP was talking special use.
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