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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I have fished it from Herkimer up to Trenton Falls. If you are fly fishing there is every kind of water you could want. Hares ear nymph. with a gold thread. If you need weight to get into a deeper pool. try on with a brass beaded head.
  2. I don't wanna see no tubers being whipped out for identification on a family site like this.
  3. Welcome. 3 words. West Canada Creek.
  4. Fletch, physically how big is he? I have shot pheasants and squirrels with my .410 and had them run away. Nice little gun but not much wollup. I love it for cottontails but a single bb will take them down. . JJB hit it right on the head. 20 gauge . have him practice with low bass game loads and in the heat of the hunt he won't even notice the difference.
  5. Awesome. About 1. To 3/4" of head space on the jars
  6. Is he putting some weight and have some use of it? Is hind quarter muscle would have atrophy, especially if it is over a year of no use. It doesn't look that bad from these pics.
  7. I have never had a blood trail issue with shockwaves.
  8. Bubba, but if you can use it to give a new guy or kid an opportunity up there with you, wouldn't it be worth it?
  9. Gun violence? How do you know it wasn't a crossbow? LOL
  10. OK guys. I know we are very close to the season ending and it may be late for most but I have 2 7R DMP's that I didn't fill this year. PM me if anyone is interested. Remember you can only have 2 tags transferred to you. I won't be back down there so I would like to see someone get an opportunity. Only one per hunter, first to respond gets dibbs
  11. It is the same strategy that Obama is taking with Obama Care. Get it through while you can and put off the painful parts until after the election. If the gun Owners of NY don't make a stand at this election they might as well stay home in the following ones. This is a "Now or Never" time.
  12. What ever recipe you choose, I can't stress enough to get ALL the fat off of it before doing it. If you guys actually had someone else cut it up and didn't have control of the amount of fat that was included I might pass on the jerky thing. Bear fat is nasty. The trichinosis would be an issue if it was present because the temps in making jerky do not get high enough to kill it. If I were going to do it I would opt for an actual smoker so the meat temps would get up high enough to kill it. I would not use a dehydrator on bear.
  13. I really don['t have a problem with anyone shooting what ever legal deer they choose or NOT shooting what ever deer they choose. BUT I personally know guys who get tags with no intentions of filling them so others can't get them. That I have a problem with.
  14. Great that you give the DMP to a new hunter. I don't know much about the land owner permits. Can't they be signed over like regular DMP's?
  15. Why apply for them if you won't use them?
  16. What is your view on others like woodchucks and prairie dogs?
  17. Congrats. did you guys put him on a scale. looks smaller than I would expect to see up here.
  18. I have seen great hunters on both private and public land. The land they hunt has nothing to do with their skill level. I would say that if a person decides to continually set out an rarely takes a deer. they are probably a better nature walker than a hunter...lol. There is an ultimate conclusion to the action of hunting. DO what make you happy and don't worry about what anybody but you thinks. And get off the who is better than who kick. Is the Ford or a Chevy a better truck? WRONG. They both suck.
  19. I usually start off with the eggs in a 1/2gallon canning jar. I mix in a jar of Hot Mix that I buy at the store. This is the pickled hot mix that has things like cauliflower, pickles and carrots in it. I put this in fluid and all. I add about a table spoon of ground black pepper. couple bay leaves and fill the remainder of the space up with straight white distilled vinegar. I like things with a strong vinegar taste. if you don't the jar can be filled with a 50/50 of vinegar and water. I have also varied it and used a cup of tarragon vinegar or Balsamic vinegar. (the balsamic with give things a brown tint but it tastes great. I have a Foodsaver that has the vacuum port for attachments and marinating. I have the lid that vacuum seals the canning jars. using this tends to speed up how quickly the brine penetrates the food. The toughest part is actually waiting until they are really ready before you eat them...lol On occasion I also do a 50/50 mix of eggs and deer/calves heart in the jar and follow the same process. I love pickled heart. Those are cleaned and trimmed of all fat. then cut like a pepper in about 1/4" strips. (like you would see on a vegetable dip platter) . boil them in water for about 5 minutes of until the pink is gone in the center. then add to the jar. PS. I never use beet juice or beets. They make me wanna yak!!!
  20. But these were obviously NOT broken off. Come one FSW, you of all people know the difference in a break and a natural shed. I have seen them fall off due to stress like an arrow wound. 2 bucks in the last 8 years I have seen with these wounds and all pussed up. each had one antler gone and the other antler cam off when grabbed. Both of those weren't fit for consumption though.
  21. which would be applicable if it was a buck tag. but it is an antlered tag. which it isn't. Honestly I think DEC would not have a problem either way if you had the antler with you.
  22. what did your slug hit before it hit her and where was the twig/branch/tree in relation to the two of you?
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