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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I can show you private union payroll deductions that are specifed as PAC funds and the members have no say in how they are used and what candidates they support.
  2. Absolutely!!. The bribes are in the form of political contributions but the Unions have to have the high wages on the private (non-union) side of the business of the unions companies would not get the work. they would be higher in the bidding process and then the union craft would not be out to work. and that equals no dues
  3. In spite of?....you mean BECAUSE you are engaged this is funny....lol Is it too late to talk any sense into you?
  4. Hate to say it but I googled it...lol. I didn't know these thisns existed. http://www.autoobserver.com/2011/03/brc-fuelmaker-again-selling-phill-home-cng-fuel-station.html Must be a little compressor pump and not a very big one. takes a day to fill the car if totally empty. at almost 5 grand I can't see it. I bet even the cost per mile won't equal a hybrid
  5. Was the rope really too long or are you just short on one end...lol
  6. They aren't open all year round?...hmmm. they were heavy around my house too. The attraction was the other nesting brids in the thich trees. They love the easy meal that the newly hatched chick make.
  7. Kinda off topic but , if I have gas at my house I wonder if you could fuel yourself there?
  8. Seems like the main travel corridors in the state are covered with supply. I would have expected i tto move and develop that way. Hit the main travel areas first.
  9. Grab a strap on climbing stick section and take that one piece in and out with you. Leave the rest or screw in steps the rest of the way up. I have had better luck doing this then trying to rescrew in steps in the dark. if you are very worried grab a cheap hanger. and as stated above......GOOD HARNESS!!
  10. I can't remember the name of the place but there is a junk yard and a spot with a bunch of run down boats and trailers on Rt 15 south of Lavonia. Might luck out down there. I have seen out trailers in teh yard could probably do well if you are handy at all.
  11. Luckily in this country it isn't mandated so you are free to have that opinion. I took the opportunity last night to put in a prayer request at the church I belong to.Since I only knew your screen name I had to submitt the request for that name. I am sure the Lord will be able to sort through it. Over the next week you will have over 5,000 mambers praying that you find peace and are able to get by the hatred. It is obvious to me that somehow personally you have been slighted or had a bad experience with religion and the burden you are carrying is weighing heavily on you. I hope you find peace, May God bless you and spread his love on you.
  12. Out of curiosity is your issue with all religion of just Catholics?
  13. That brush killing spray make roundup look like mothers milk.
  14. the rate was prevailing which means union rate but the labor was non-union. It should have not been tagged as prevailing rate. If it was the work should have been competatively bid.
  15. Ok. I'll bite. wht the heck is a stone cat. I have never heard or seen anything like that around the areas I fish. Where do you get them?
  16. I guess the point I was trying to make was a production well it just that and massive compressors are needed for removel (distribution yes). Different set up for production wells and storage wells. You must have massive compressors down there to use sandstone for storage. even more horsepower than in open cavern storage. I hear all this stuff about fraccing but dont remember a peep when the project was moving forward in Avoca. Right up on a hill above some beautiful trout waters. Actually the process calle dfor injection of diesel into the ground during th cavern development.
  17. Dave. I worked on the ones developed in Avoca. I built the compressor station and installed the distribution piping. We also tapped into the TV Pipeline.
  18. Storage wells are different than production wells, Dave. They tried that route in the salt veins down in Avoca in the 90's that whole thing went bust. they coulnd't get rid of the brine produced in the cavern development. In conventional drilling for natural gas there ins't a cavern developed and the volume area is not that great to pump back into the conventional well area. Additionally in order to do ti a compressor station would need to be installed. at line pressure you couldn't force the gas into a compressed state and into the ground. Do you see compressor stations near these storage wells do there?
  19. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/ny_an_hour_summer_job_KfABSbSrzXUuqFVqhqHXpJ#.T-OAcgarD8k.facebook I would have loved a summer job like this. Wanna bet how many "favors" were paid off giving certain kids the jobs.
  20. They will get "the maximum allowed" by the school. SO anything over 5 day suspension has to go to hearing and then it is ruled on and punishment decided in the limits by NY education law. Does anyone know for sure what the maximums are? Sounds like about one step above someone taking the xbox away for a week.
  21. you can't blame that black gun fever on me!!
  22. Sorry Fletch....lol. Want me to make a Corvette post?
  23. Absolutely the worst crime that can occur. I just differ in placing an importance of it being "international' in assigning the importance. I guess I am more about numbers and I don't think it is genuine to single Catholics out as a religion becasue of the actions of some priests or even higher level officials. The rank and file and the vast majority of the clergy are very good people. To make a comment (It was a questions but even Stevie Wonder could see where it was going)that in supporting the church you are supporting the abuse.There si obvious dislike in Both of you for organized religion. That is fine. Your call. but I can't agree and sit silently becasue these evils are performed by sick twisted individuals and coverups are not the appropriate view of the church....the members ...the people are the church not even the few at the leadership.
  24. No actually I am not. I left the Catholic church because I don't agree with many of their policies and teachings and their treatment of my wife and daughter in preparation for confirmation. I just thik to single them or any group out on a topic like this is not correct. I was biting my tongue because it is none of anyones business but is their a specific reason you seem to target them as soon as an opportunity rises?
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