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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Didn't see much reporting. Just wondering how everyone did?
  2. Love it, we have the same TP holder. Is that ambrosia maple on the floor? Looks just like the floor I put down this year. great job!
  3. I work in NYC and have never felt more safe than now. He doesn't have a special place in my heart but he has done some real good things for the City.
  4. I didn't sat take away your guns. That is off the table. Open your eyes and think for a second. You have to give something up for compromise. Adding security and more detailed background checks is someplace to start. Your response was text book. I would in a heartbeat approve security in a budget proposal for school safety. I would also as a gun owner welcome more detailed background checks and a renewal fee to help pay for these things. If you just sit back and throw the 2nd amendment out there all the time it will go nowhere. Compromise.....
  5. Maybe it's just time we put more security in place. Every school in America should have an armed guard at the 1 main entrance of the school during school hours. It would be a burden on the school budget but well worth it. This also could go for mass gatherings where something like this could happen. Any gun owner or new applicant has to go through a more detailed background check and nothing is off limits. This also goes for all family members. A renewal process be put in place and a fee charged to help pay for the system. I'm trying to take the "emotion" out of it and come up with some solutions. There can be a comeback for anything written here, I understand that. It just needs to start someplace. I'm a law abiding gun owner, most of us are. I don't want our guns taken away but there must be some give and take. It has to start somewhere..............
  6. The family should not of had the guns in the house with a child in that state of mind. Fault lies with the mother. Pass judgement-you bet your ass I'm passing judgement.
  7. Turns out the mother was a gun collector. Took the boys shooting often...........Sounds like he did use the bushmaster, now they are saying 3 guns found by his side.
  8. Got to define the illness first. I'm not an expert but and I don't know what circles your talking about with ADD and ADHD. I would remove the guns from my house, it would be irresponsible not to.
  9. People with mental illnesses should not be around guns. Why this woman had 5 guns at her house with a son who was unstable was just asking for trouble. Start there, look at that real hard............
  10. It looks pretty damn good for 50 bucks!! Thanks again to the person who let us in on the deal!!
  11. No, I couldn't make it to camp this weekend. Wish I was there!!
  12. I wonder why she had these guns in the first place?? Also why have them in a house where a person has a mental illness? That is something that could be looked at and studied. My own opinion-I think the divorce of the parents had something to do with her ending up with the guns. My opinion but there will be more tk on that.
  13. From what the daily news reported he was really troubled and neighbors knew this. Why did the mother have these guns with that kid living in the house. Put those two together.......... He was dark and disturbed, a deeply troubled boy from a wealthy family who unnerved his neighbors and classmates. Mass murderer Adam Lanza, 20, was a ticking time bomb, people who knew him told the Daily News. “This was a deeply disturbed kid,” a family insider told the Daily News. “He certainly had major issues. He was subject to outbursts from what I recall.” Lanza, who friends and officials said suffered from Asperger’s syndrome or a personality disorder, had a tortured mind. He was socially awkward and at times unstable, but also extraordinarily bright. “He was smart,” the insider said. “He was like one of these real brainiac computer kind of kids.” Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/adam-lanza-20-deeply-disturbed-kid-article-1.1220752#ixzz2F85Yarbk
  14. I am not a trapper. I have always thought one day when I live full time at camp I would give it a try. I enjoy this thread and enjoy reading about your success. It is what it is "a harvest thread"
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