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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Red

  1. im so excited even my wife and 2 year old son are excithttp://huntingny.com/forums/topic/7911-half-way-done/ed. i just started a new thread with a pic of it half done. she was a big sow.
  2. Red

    half way done

    he also said the picture doesnt do it justice
  3. Red

    half way done

    just got the text from my taxidermist my bear from last year is almost done ill be picking it up by next friday. im really pumped and cant wait
  4. my taxidermist called me yesterday and said ill be picking my bear up by next week friday. then this morning he texted me a pic of it while hes working on it it looks amazing so far. cant wait untilnext week.
  5. i seen a few huge doe resting 30 yards from the side of the road in letchworth yesterday. with all the pressure gone they were out every where yesterday i even had a low 120s buck at 28yards in one of the bow only areas in the morning but it just wasnt bright enough for an ethical shot. next year hell be even better.
  6. is that near river side/ black rock? i know of the 49ers club and washington club
  7. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html
  8. http://www.startribune.com/local/135578448.html
  9. mossberg 500 a very great gun im 30 years old now and have only hunted with the mossberg 500 up until this year and thats only because i got a new semi auto for my bday but every time out this year the mossberg was in the back seat. 14 years never jammed or failed very reliable and accurate i have 22 deer with mine so far.
  10. Red


    its looking like great weather out in letchworth this weekend high of 30 saturday and a high of 36 sunday. i wish i was able to make it out for the weekend but i cant make it back until tuesday. either gonna hunt the park the entire day or hunt the park half day the spend the last few hours in centerville hunting the lost nations really good state land known for alot of deer and bear sightngs.
  11. Red


    my buddy and his dad hunted in an archery only area in letchworth this sunday and each got a doe and had a 3rd doe duck the arrow at 40 yards. im set up a stand in one f the areas and im gonna leave it alone until the 20th and hope for a last day deer. good luck
  12. Red


    i had in my head that shot gun was gona end on the 16th lol but im ready to get out with the bow one last time on the 20th
  13. a really good item to get is a nylon hammock they weigh less then 16 ounces and are ver comfy i slept in one in pa this past march when it was 5 degrees out.
  14. i do know one thing the farm that i hunt has a hill billy that destroys the land alot more then any other hunter can. hanging 30 plus stands all around and in between other hunters squirrle hunting while hes deer hunting using perfectly good live trees to sight in his guns scouting the evening befor opening day even though hes been out there the few days befor opening day of bow. you name this guy does it.
  15. its kind of funny 2 weekes ago i went threw a few of those purple thorn bushes and as usual a few got stuck in me and i took them out well a week later my finger has still been hurting now im on antibiotics because the thorn caused and infection in my finger boy does it hurt like hell lol
  16. your not kidding i hunt in 8m and they are all over the place even in the middle of the golden rods this year they sure do hurt to walk threw thats for sure but those areas are nice to walk threw on drives the deer really love to hold up in some of these tangled messes.
  17. very nice video and a great shot. congrats
  18. what a beast. that has one heck of a head on him. congrats
  19. i figured thats what it meant i just wanted to make sure. i agree there are some guys that head out to the country and have no clue as to what they are doing but there are also the fair share of hil billys who dont have a clue as to what they are doing. im from the city and i hunt a farm thats connected to state land and theres a hill billy that hunts the same farm and he does so much stuff to screw up the hunting on the farm from scouting in the woods the night befor opening day of bow season even though he already has his 30 tree stands already all set in place and he like to crash around threw every bedding area on the farm a few times each week trying to get a deer with the bow but those are just a few examples. im just saying there city guys who are amazing hunters and some that really suck and some country guys who are great hunters and some that really suck. SORRY FOR GOING OFF TOPIC GUYS.
  20. here is a question a little off topic and its only because ive seen some one write this in just about every topic. citiot?
  21. i got one this year but because of a bad shoulder i was only able to shoot 2 booxes of slugs at the shooting range just befor the season i shot good but that was only at 40 yards i wouldve liked to have done some shooting at 75 yards. i didnt shoot to well with it in the field this year due to lack of practice but i was very pleased with how the gun operated. i cant wait to take it out in the spring it shoot off 50 plus slugs and 100s of rounds at some skeet.
  22. im gonna guess not all the bucks found dead and missing their racks were from poachers im sure some of them are from hunting with the bow or the gun and not finding the animal right away then stumbling on it later in the season and cutting the rack off or another hunter finding it and cutting the rack off.
  23. thats about the same size the 8 pointer was that i found friday.
  24. so friday i went out to do some deer hunting on a farm that i hunt out near letchworth state park on my way out of the woods i came across a nice 8pt 90-100" dead torn apart by the coyotes so not sure how he died but altogether this year i found 6 dead in the woods 2 on the farms and 4 in the park. 5 of them were bucks and one doe. just wanted to see what and how many other people are finding dead while hunting.
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