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Everything posted by kpkot

  1. Im liking uncle nickys theory. I have seen a increase in flat tops on the roadside and the majority are smaller doe. In addition during my turkey hunts ive seen some loner doe that were extremely small wandering.
  2. I saw the forcast its calling for thunder... I work friday to Monday and wont get out, but I've heard good gobbling with thunder..
  3. 140? You need to learn how to judge looks more like low 130s.
  4. I work on saturdays too. It sucks but i prefer to hunt during week anyway with less pressure.
  5. Congrats. Nice read
  6. kpkot


    Bought sierra nevada summer 12 pack. Like those short bottles they fit perfectly on my one shelf in my fridge.
  7. Lmao actually I took my kids to the zoo yesterday. Theres is a turkey in the red barn "farm" exhibit. Paint brush beard and nearly 2" spurs. He wouldnt even gobble yesterday.
  8. The wood itself is nice, but it's the shape. It throws off the symmetry I feel. If it were a longer peice it would look better. Nice buck Larry.
  9. Good day to be in the woods. Not a turkey seen or heard. Haven't been out since May 2nd it really greened up nicely and the apple trees looked awesome all flowered up. Saw a bunch of chipmunks, a red squirrel, two geese, and a woodpecker. Had fun walking a bit and already planning some tree stand spots for the fall.
  10. Getting my kids ready for grandmas then going to try and hunt 9ish to noon. Good luck today tf and anyone else out.
  11. Some others might know more i would try starting a thread in the food plot land managment section. The way i did it was tilled first then lime. You want some rain to let the lime soak in the soil. Give it a bit of time because the lime is so basic in ph it would probably kill whatever you plant. Size is up to you i think my plots are all around 1/4 to 1/3 acre.
  12. 5.1 is pretty low. I would add lime if you can its only going to help the clover grow better. The clover will help add nitrogen back into soil over time so its a good plot to start with. When buying clover look at the desired ph it requires to grow. I limed my plots first couple years. Over time my plot has grown better and better each year.
  13. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/13/north-dakota-wolverine-shot-rancher-150-years They really paint the rancher as a horrible human being in this article. Sad that people can't protect there livelihood without being hassled. They are an amazing creature, capable of killing a moose or elk.
  14. To all that don't like bugs get yourself a thermacell. They are only $30, but I think i would pay $200 if they did cost that much. They work that well in my opinion. As long as your stationary they are awesome, in my personal experiences while walking they aren't as effective.
  15. My first turkey I killed was going bananas over an owl. I hit my owl call and ended up getting a response from another owl. It wasn't until the real owl started hooting my gobbler sounded off. Ever since then my owl call has never produced. It was like a tv show on the outdoor channel, I thought I really knew what I was doing.
  16. kpkot

    Sea robins

    I have an uncle on long Island. I get down there every couple years and we usually go out on a party boat. You think they are ugly you should hear them. They bark like a dog when they hit the surface out of the water. Fun to catch, but we never kept them.
  17. Buckstophere- do you ever mess around with scents on the scrape part or are you exclusively using the licking branch from another site? If your making a new man made scrape with your zip tied licking branch im assuming you still scuff the ground as well to give the visual as well?
  18. Thats the only tree that grows on my creek banks as the beaver usually pass on them. I have never cut them, but hear they can dull a chain quickly on a saw. Any truth to that?
  19. Very interesting read thanks. Ok closest state to us making the top 5 is Ohio. Tell me what are they doing we are not? I understand soil, land access,climate, etc all play a role, but is there anything we can do that a similar state is doing to improve?
  20. I have decent sized hands and the glock 20 is one big full sized firearm that makes my hands feel tiny. That glock 20 really gives you something to grab onto. My brother has one, and what a difference when I put down my little itty bitty glock 27 and pick his up.
  21. 10mm is a cool round. Dan wesson makes a sweet 10mm. I watched a show called razor dobbs and thats what he uses for alot of big game. Not crazy about him or the show, but it is impressive and that gun is gorgeous.
  22. Thats one gun on my wish list. Did u get any other barrels with it?
  23. I tend to only carry it as a side arm, but my 357. If it were perfect conditions i might take the shot, but im there more to put the meat in the freezer by the time gun rolls around... Bow typically challenges me enough and then im ready for an even playing field by gun opener.
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