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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. LOL!! Now thats some funny stuff right there!!!! Clonk our heads together!!!! Hahaha!
  2. If you were a real man, and not trying to be some big tough guy, you would use "tear free" shampoo………..LOL!
  3. My bathroom has a long mirror on one whole side. So when I sit on the can, I look into the mirror, draw my pistol and say "you talk'n to me?" I know that all of us gun owners do it, but it makes me feel especially "tough". LOL! Gotta love liberal assumptions…So wise LOL!
  4. Didn't necessarily think it was me…sorry. Who were you talking about??
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I never said I was "afraid" of these little bird seed munching clowns. Who did?? I think the whole point was,, is it right for the little turds to make death threats to hunters? What do you think?? Is it OK?? PS…I take my side-arm off and set it on the sink, when I sit on "the can"…unless its in a shoulder rig. It makes me feel like a real "Tough guy"…..LOL!
  6. "Stop hunting wild animals or we will kill YOU"????????!!!! Thats what happens to these hemp wearing little turds when their brains don't get enough animal protein. I hope you're able to take at least some action against the turds. Good luck & keep safe.
  7. Funny!!..How long before a "Deer Fart" call comes out?? LOL!!
  8. I have a couple boxes full of old bottles that I have found, over the years.
  9. No arguing that he is FAR..FAR..FAR left. Does any world leader respect him??? Or feel that they face any real repercussions from him??? LOL!… Uuummm I'll say... Uuuummm…..NO!!
  10. Exactly…..Pay the government or your land/property becomes theirs. Which, when you think about it, really means that all land belongs to the government. They just let you use it for a fee (taxes).
  11. The only ammo I can't find at the Syracuse/Cicero store is .22. They pretty much always have everything else. 9mm. 40, 45, 380, 38, 44mag., 357 mag. 308., 223, 30-06, 30-30, 270, etc..etc… No problem……. 22???? forget it. the same A-hole hoarders clean them out every week.
  12. Nice save…… A few years ago I had a real small one in my back yard. I got him into a Bud -Lite box and brought him (or her) to a pond down the road. Im sure he/she is still there.
  13. I recently stained a rack from a deer I shot in the early 90's. They were hanging outside for years and had turned bleach white. The full skull had pretty much fell apart. I just used some Minwax, that I had laying around. It was called "Early American #230" it came out great. Added the right color and shine back to the horns. I just put it on with a paper towel. I'll keep the rack in the garage from now on.
  14. You just can't go wrong with Labs. I don't bird hunt much anymore, but I did for a long time (ducks and pheasants) and my friends and I always used Labs. Great hunting dogs & great family dogs. I have a chocolate Lab now. I don't hunt him but when I take hime on walks he will naturally start working the fields
  15. Same thing has happens to me…Only they have me down as two different people. They got me as me, and as another person at the same address with the last name spelled with only the first two letters of my last name..?? I have been trying to set them straight for about 3 years now, but to no avail. Needless to say, I get twice the amount of calls…….
  16. Real quiet season. I had a little action & played dueling banjos with a few toms, but I didn't tag a damn thing. Best part is, I ran into the neighbor of the property I hunt, yesterday. He was out tending his bees yesterday around 2pm and a tom was yelling his head off, right in the patch I have been hunting…LOL!! Story of my life….thats hunting.
  17. ants

    bass opener

    I haven't been to Stillwater in years. The fishing was always pretty poor. How has it been recently?
  18. Yup…I would let people know the difference between New York City and upstate New York . I have had several out of state people, who have met me for the first time, ask me about the subway. LOL!! I have to explain that the subway, and Little King Andy, are only for New York City. Sad but true.
  19. That thing HAD to work!! congrats.nice bird...
  20. The corrupt, filthy low life media has an agenda, when it comes to guns. They want guns out of the hands of everyone including every day, law abiding citizens. The fact that criminals have untraceable, illegal guns is of no interest to them. If they were honest and reported that most firearms violence occurs because of inner city, gang banging thugs (RATS), then that would shine the light on a major part of the problem, and thats the last thing they want. Inner city gang bangers kill three people in a drive by shooting in the hood……White privileged nut job kills the same amount of innocent people in a drive by…..Which one makes the national headline for the next week????
  21. A guy I know, went to a CZ outdoor seminar about a year ago. Basically he got to shoot different CZ's all day. They shot a CZ 912 for about five hours straight, Put cases of shells through it without a single hiccup. The only problem they had was that eventually the mag tube got pretty dirty, from unburnt powder, making it hard to load.
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