Now you will be turkey hunting for as long as you can walk (or until you merry an overly controlling woman). Don't let that happen. I have lost many friends to that….truly sad….
Get some non toxic shells, other than steel, and pattern them to your gun/choke. It makes a big difference.
Seems to me that people were just commenting on how the media, and other antis will use this tragedy to push their agenda, just like they have done time after time after time.
You are correct. People started searching for anti gun stuff on this incident. And it was there. No surprise.
Yeah. I just heard on the news that a semi automatic handgun was recovered. I Won't be surprised if that changes,,,,or if they start referring to it as a "military style" handgun, just to get the ball rolling a little faster.
Repeat trespassers are dirt. I think we can all agree. But setting up a potentially dangerous boobie trap, to deal with them, will eventually bite you in the ars.