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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Im with ya Paula...multi tasking girls ROCK!!!
  2. Good deal!! sounds like a real good guy!! Last time I had home made wine was when I was about 17....with my uncle Sal... My father had to come and drive me home..
  3. Years ago my friend shot a big 7 point with a 4 inch 38. He walked in the woods to get his tree seat and left his shotgun on the ATV up on the road. This deer walked right up to him (funny how deer never see farmers) Anyway....he blasted him through the ribs at less than about 15 yards. The deer ran at least 100 yrds. but we found him dead. The bullet was a hollow point but didnt really expand, just bent down one side, we found it between the ribs and hide on the other side. It kind of messed up the lungs pretty good. I dont know what load he used other than it was a semi jacketed hollow point.....Point is if you are close enough and have a real good shot.... anything will work......But a 9mm wouldnt be my #1 choice.
  4. Yeah.. PRACTICE with it at least a few times before you go out for a hunt. if you dont feel right going up high find a spot that gives you good back cover and go a little lower. Good luck
  5. Anyone got a good recipe for venison sourbraten??? My youngest daughter had some at a friends house and loved it so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thanks
  6. That mouth wash thing sounds good.. Do you leave them in it the whole off season or just for a while?? Just asking cuz I never get more than maybe 3 years out of one tops.
  7. Quaker boy....what the heck ??? bring back the "special"............Jerks!!........Sorry. But it was a damn good call.
  8. Yeah... I do the same... mouth calls are pretty much all I use...I get them at Dick's or Gander...or sometimes even Walmart' They might last a year or 2 but you have to re-up....after that... The reeds end up sticking together.... then you're done with it. Best call I ever had was a Quaker Boy Special .....Far as I know they don't make it anymore..... Pisses me off!!! This was one of their best!!! I
  9. Yeah ...the paper work and wait is not that big of a deal right now. JUST DO IT!!! I put it off for a while and when I finally got it I thought to myself "That was it???" Go get it.
  10. Hey Paula .... can you talk to my wife for me???..
  11. Tebow is a hot item. And face it ...a good back up QB. But they took him more because he's a hot item right now. IMHO
  12. I took my wife out bird hunting once with our old dog Rudy. She had a ball watching the dog work and I got two nice ring necks. When we got home she found a little blood (from one of the birds) on the side of her jacket and FREAKED OUT!!! She would never go again.Big girl..
  13. Stinks.. It happened to me once too. I know how you feel. But if you did all you could.....It's over and done with.
  14. Screw those rich S.O.B's who hire people,which allows them to support their family's!!! Tax em out of the country Sarcasm..Flat tax.
  15. How cool is that?? I love that kind of crap!!! That first picture is perfect!! ( I should have said picture perfect?)
  16. Anyone thinking about getting your permit get off your butt and ....Do it now......it will only get harder and more expensive (or maybe even impossible) the longer you wait!!!
  17. Stick with the 06. Recoil is not that bad at all. I have taken a bunch of deer with it and, with good shots, they will go nowhere....nowhere. I can assume that a black bear wont either....Old school always works....
  18. Fishen Magician.... Fargle snort beach ham...bananna fart...colon blat .......Wait for it!!!!....... goff feet!!!! Goood one or what?????!!!!
  19. A buddy won a Marlin 444 in a raffle a couple years ago and I shot it a few times. It has THUMP!! I'd say more than an 06
  20. Depends on the area.. If you have good back cover (where you're not sky-lined) you can get away with 12' or so...But if if you're in an open hardwood area with streight, spaced out trees you have to go higher or you will get busted....every time. All good tips Fantail
  21. Yeah things will get them.... even the bigger ones...My Brother inlaw is a big fish/pond guy. About 3 years ago we were over for a BBQ and at about 1200AM we heard my sister scream... We went to the back door and saw a coon eating one of their bigger fish, 10-12" right off their deck... like 5yrds from the door. It just stayed right there!!. FYI Coons cant take a .380 round.
  23. Services were today... Alot of sobs but alot of old hunting stories and laughs too..... its all good ... Thanks again for the kind words.
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