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Pav2704 last won the day on September 11 2018

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About Pav2704

  • Birthday May 4

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  • Hunting Location
    Long Island and 4f

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  1. Really good couple of days… Long Island.
  2. There's also Cargie's in Richmondville.
  3. I also have a tow behind swisher rough cut. It does a great job!!! I usually cut my 3 acre field in a little over an hour and makes light work of cleared trails. Definitely worth the investment if you have more than an acre to take care of. On a side note, there is no way that it will cut 3 inch saplings. It struggles and bogs down if I try to cut corn down at the end of the season. Also, trails and fields need to be cleared of any rocks that could hit the blade. I have owned mine for close to ten years and have just changed the blade and belt. They are very durable!!
  4. My son is going to Cooperstown “All Star Village” this year too. I spoke to the rep for All Star village and she said she has no idea why Dreams Park changed their guidelines. She assured me that the two sites are not affiliated and under no circumstances would they be enforcing those guidelines. Might not be too late to rebook to All Star Village.
  5. Had a decent year! 6 total and a nice matching set!
  6. Low temps and high pressure have always been good days for deer sightings.
  7. Great start to the season. Took this doe October 2nd feeding in my clover plot in 4f. Then this past Saturday evening got my personal best here on Long Island. Super pumped is understatement!!!
  8. Looks like we might need to pack some rain gear! Hope the weather forecast is wrong or at least changes as it’s still 5 days out! Fingers crossed!!!
  9. I believe there's one Worcester.
  10. All ideas sound good!!! I've already done pasta and venison stew at camp this year. We usually stop at the saloon on rt 145 for burgers on our way up. Just looking for something different for Saturday night. Never thought of making burgers in a crockpot... definitely sounds good!!!
  11. I'm sure its been discussed here before, but what is everyone making for dinner at deer camp that feeds a bunch of guys and is easy to do???
  12. I know I haven’t posted here in awhile but I am always reading through various posts. After reading the bow hunters success thread I couldn’t stop thinking how great it is that so many of you bring other hunters to your property to hunt deer. Having my own piece of land I am well aware of how much work it takes to cut trails and put in food plots. I could see how some might want to keep the deer for themselves. But many of you don’t which is awesome!! This season I am bringing one of my friends up to my place so he can hopefully harvest a deer. He hasn’t taken a deer in several years due to work and family commitments so I am hoping he will be successful! Thanks for the interesting posts!
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