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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by jjb4900

  1. you'd be surprised how many cops on the street are against the Safe Act and what is going on.....
  2. while I don't exactly agree with everything you said or way you put it, if you go back and read my last post. I almost said the same thing..........bowhunters seem to be the more vocal of the two groups, which may turn the gun hunters off, but that may be their own fault for not being as vocal when it comes to protecting what they have or getting more of what they want.
  3. this may be a little off topic, but for those who think that the military and police are all behind Cuomo and this Safe Act and the disarming of citizens, are all on board with him, may want to rethink that...I'm willing to bet that this is one of the larger groups who are against it and will probably provide the larger group of voters who will be helping out when it comes to election time.
  4. I don't think any group likes to lose anything to another group......bowhunters lost the what they claim is a good weekend when they moved the opener of gun to a Saturday, they also feel they lost something to the youth hunt, now I imagine they feel they lost two prime weeks to the crossbow crowd.....I personally have never heard any gripes from gun hunters about anything other than antler restrictions, it could be that the bowhunting enthusiasts are more vocal about their desires, which in turn make them sound like elitists to some. As for the whole antler craze, I still haven't been able to understand why that is more important then the whole hunting experience.
  5. There are some days in my area that you would swear there are no turkeys around....other days you would think there is a good population, same with the deer.
  6. I usually try to get in at least a half hour before shooting time......4:30 is not unreasonable, especially if you know where they are roosting and want to sneak in as close as possible and get set up quietly.
  7. just looking at the words "Celebrity Deer Hunter" makes me want to vomit........celebrity, really?..........can't wait for the day when one of them gets invited to attend The Oscars.
  8. http://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/documents/nysafeact/OpenLetterfromNewYorkStatePoliceSuperintendent.pdf After reading this, I don't know how comfortable I would be making a habit of advertising and selling ammo, whether or not it's for a profit.
  9. if you're looking to protect them from fire and theft, I would look at the higher end ones, if you're only concerned with keeping them safe from your kids having access you should be fine getting a cheaper one.
  10. maybe it's something other than frostbite....I would think we'd see it a lot more if that was the case.
  11. I realize that, as many other people do, but my fear is that the majority don't...and even worse is the fact that they don't realize what the right to bear arms really means, it has nothing to do with hunting at all.....a politician puts the spin on it that we don't need those type of weapons to kill a deer, and they nod their heads in agreement, hopefully I'm underestimating how fed up people are getting with the way these laws are being passed.
  12. unfortunately, many people, (hunters included) agree that the 2nd Amendment was written at a time when the weapons that are available today did not exist and that guns need to be regulated (in NY anyway). They don't see the Gov't telling us we can't own 30 round magazines and "assault rifles" as a violation of that right. I would also think that the average voter and casual gun owner, is more concerned with other issues when it comes to election time..........I've always looked at a candidates stance on hunting and gun ownership for as long as I've been able to vote, I bet many would tell me that I'm ignoring the important things on a candidates agenda.
  13. funny you should mention the "dawn chorus"......normally every year when it gets warm and I walk outside to leave for work, I would hear the birds and think to myself that it feels like turkey season.....that hasn't happened this year and it never even crossed my mind till you mentioned it.
  14. we have a neighbor who is a first class dbag, he calls the Cops on us every chance he gets and for stuff that's 100% legal............each time they show up we have a pleasant conversation and they go on their way, but not before they tell us what a nutjob we have for a neighbor....best part is, he is a full blown wacko, but we deal with it because I would never waste an Officers time on nonsense..........unfortunately there is no law against being an a**hole.
  15. why is it that people don't talk to their neighbors anymore?...........seems to be a growing trend.
  16. the sad fact is, is that more people could care less about gun ownership to give it more than a few seconds thought, and it never even crosses their mind that it may be an attack on our Constitution........the guys who really care are in the minority
  17. if another course is required, I'll stick with my compound until I can't walk into the woods anymore.....and I would venture to guess that I'm not alone, my 33 years of bow and gun hunting have taught me more than some guy talking to me for 6 hours because NYS decided he's an expert............no thanks.
  18. do not introduce her to gunfire by starting out with a shotgun, begin with a starter pistol or something much quieter.....a muzzeloader with just a percussion cap is a good start and don't discharge it right on top of her, you can even have someone else stand off a ways and shoot while you keep her occupied with retrieving.....if you scare the crap out of her in the beginning it may make her gun shy.
  19. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html am I reading this correctly, that anyone who wants to use a crossbow needs to take a course dated on or after April 1, 2014? Anyone hunting with a crossbow must have:completed a Standard Hunter Education course offered by DEC on or after April 1, 2014; completed a DEC-approved on-line or other training program (e.g., material provided on the annual hunting guide). Hunters must carry a signed self-certification in the field when hunting with a crossbow as proof of compliance.
  20. anyone ever try using a full strut mature Tom decoy? I bought one a few years ago and never used it, I'm concerned it may scare off younger birds...and I'm not opposed to shooting Jakes, so don't want to mess up any potential opportunities.
  21. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Catskill-Native-Plant-Society/166048230216799 could they be "ramp"? if you check out this Facebook page and scroll up there's a photo that looks similar to what you posted....also called wild leek.
  22. American Goldfinch, looks to be a male and female.
  23. I bet the number of people who are casual gun owners is probably staggering.........These are the people who probably go skeet shooting once a year, hunting to them is buying their license the day before deer season and going out one or two times, those who own a gun they inherited and probably never use, I can think of a dozen people I know who have a gun in a case tucked away in some closet in their house and haven't touched it in years.......... I'm sure they're not idiots by any stretch of the imagination, but their lives don't revolve around gun ownership and hunting and shooting forums. One would think that with the money the NRA spends on solicitations every year, that they could send out a mass mailing to residents of NYS informing them of the SAFE ACT and what it means to everyone.
  24. that's an amazing picture...
  25. I'd schedule a doctors appointment......I hear they can spot an easy meal.
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