This is a trick question, the answer is one, but it will take 2,135 other guy's to argue over how it should be done.
The one sure has to run fast and I think the peanut gallery has to be over 2,555 guys speaking up. LOL
Holy Shizzzzle. That was funny. until my 4.5 yo ran from the living room "the Easter Bunny got runned over, MOMMY.... "The Easter Bunny got runned over". The look I got from my wife mad it STOP being funny REAL fast.
It suxxxs about the Rangers, I know they'll pull it together at some point. I hooooooooppppe. The Sabre's are gonna do alright, I have faith in them. They play hard and take advantage of all the chances that are given to them, unlike the Rangers .
Never seen or heard of this method. Lived in Virginia for 4 years and I hunted Va, North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama. Hunted with many good all boyz behind hound dogs and MISS those days.