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Everything posted by wooly

  1. I'm a little confused. : You shot this deer with no doe tags left. You thought this deer was a DOE at the shot. Only after seeing its nuts was it a buck. I could be wrong here but aren't you suppose to sign doe tags over before the kill shot? I thought the days of party permits were through.
  2. You guys help yourself to the Farina and oatmeal.....I'm having venny breakfast sausage, 3 eggs- with yolks over easy, heavily buttered toast, and a strong cup of caffinated joe.
  3. Another beauty canuck-congrats! Some awesome bucks in your area. Nice job on the recovery too.
  4. Shoot 'em up. Not my propperty to say what goes. Yeah so what's the problem? Those same fawns are some of the first deer to succumb to the elements and victims of over browsing. Me personally would rather see them shot than let mother nature choose her course of action.
  5. Great.......now our deer have herpes. :-*
  6. Somehow I missed this thread stuck up here. : This is my buck from '09. Also took 3 does last year with the smokepole.
  7. I swear they should limit deer hunters to a 3 shot capacity in their firearms. Way to many Rambos out there who would do better to spend more time shooting paper under ideal conditions. >
  8. Nice doe and cool story. Next time just let the air out of both back tires to lower it then call hubby and tell him to call a tow truck to get your deer home.
  9. I've got a Stealth, a cuddeback, and a Wildgame Innovations. I go through a lot of batteries and run my cams year round. Usually just get the normal critters on mine but planning on trying some different sets for something different this year before bucks start shedding. Sent you a PM Pat.
  10. Would like to see you recover your deer and I aint saying anything BUT....... .....unless your friends friend is certified licenced deer dog tracker, it's illegal. Don't ask me why because I have no clue. Just know it is from a CO and Deer Search tracker. Just an FYI.
  11. Will be interested in how you make out. Good luck on the recovery. I used Deer Search on a buck last year. We never found it but it wasn't due to lack of effort. Came to the conclusion he survived given all the sign. Sounds like you got a pretty decent hit on him. Hopefully he bedded down when you pulled out and is not far from your last sign of him.
  12. I would hope that would be the least they could do. :-\ I don't think anyone goes out to shoot a deer that looks like that fill the corners of the freezer. Heck, I aint sure my processor would cut that thing up. It would be kinda fun to pass out a few trays of fresh venison jerkey to the in-laws for the holidays. Give them a week to chew on it before you send a picture of your 2010 kill.
  13. Ummm....ok. Hold the mushrooms pleeze. I've shot a few with small growths about the size of a dime(forget the term) but nothing that drastic.
  14. I can certainly relate to the baiting issue in the area I hunt. Just prior to season many of the surrounding propperties I hunt got stocked up like a supermarket. One is loaded with a troff full of apples...the next has an 80lb bag of rock salt dumped 20 yds from a stand...and yet another has more mineral rocks and blocks scattered around a stand than a damn quarry. Oh yeah- I've never heard of this tactic being employed before, but you can spend hours out there walking in circles picking up empty beer cans that lead right to the base of these stands. > Funny how these slobs don't even feel the need to try to hide this crap or at the very least post their propperty so nobody notices. Can't say if any deer were taken over these bait stations, I've been avoiding these areas like the plague for fear of being the one accused of being their owner. I see enough hikers and non-hunting folks out there to know I'm not the only one aware of this. It's no wonder we all fit the stereotypical "slob hunter profile" at times.
  15. http://www.etradebabymail.com/?mId=38001139.3 ;D
  16. Congratulations Jordan! Sounds like a great hunt and that's one fine doe! It's great you got to share it all with your pops and grand dad. Good shootin' young man!
  17. Got something you'd like to share? Tell us about it. http://www.etradebabymail.com/?mId=37997453.3
  18. Great job reeltime-super buck! Sure does kinda stink when you know you wont see him next year but you put an appropriate ending to the history book you had going with him! Congrats.
  19. Oh contrare mone frare. I can show you pics of nearly 30 deer carcasses I found after season last year alone in a 2 mile area.
  20. I think the problem with picking at deer carcasses is who's to say you didn't shoot the animal earlier in the season for the rack alone and continued to hunt for bigger or just more antlers. Only after or even durring season to return to cut the rack or head loose claiming to have found it dead or unrecovered. There's just no telling. Pickin up sheds are just evidence of living deer that have made it through season. No animals are killed or injured in the taking of them thus no tag required.
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