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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Geeze now I do. lol I certainly wouldn't want my dog sniffing around the carcass.
  2. Wooly must have x-ray vision. Not sure how one looks at a log and sees the bird/dog/bear in it. I see a log.
  3. Meh - not toooo bad for an amateur. lol The friggin Picasso of the woods.
  4. First 40lber may get a full body mount. Not sure my wife will put up with anymore dead animals on our walls however. The yote skins may get relegated to the basement hunting room!
  5. Especially those that have been seasoned with a bit of mange. Now I know why you wanted to keep the yote last Sat!
  6. Looks good Airedale. I do the same thing but use plastic creamer bottles (we seem to go through plenty of it). Tall enough to hold the arrows and have a bottom molded in. Either screwed to wall in basement or to a piece of plywood. Each one will hold 18 or more arrows.
  7. On the summer sausage casing, hold the casing as tight as you can to the nozzle and let it fill as you press. it should be fine. I run it straight from the grinder through a smaller tube into a larger casing and it works fine. Just try to hold it tight until the meat expands it and pushes it from the tube - ie no more room.
  8. Yep, enjoy. Look forward to the reports.
  9. Last night we sat about 30min at each set except last because eyes kept coming. Almost an hour there and yes, 4 of the five came in after shooting at the first.
  10. Can’t tonight but we will get out.
  11. We hunted from like 8 until 11:30. 3 different sets and properties. There is one more I am 99% sure we could have scored on but closest neighbors have a dog and we would be set up 200yds away. Wasn’t sure if the call would cause their dog to go nuts in the house. Left it for a daytime set.
  12. It was sleeping in the truck. Not used.
  13. Ended seeing 5 more sets of eyes but only one shot at a running fox at 100yds that was a miss. Wind and a knoll in the field hurt us. Lots of fun though.
  14. Muck woody elite here. Comfortable waterproof and warm. Took me about 5years to move on to a new pair.
  15. Was Andrew trying to touch your knee to “comfort” you? I had to nip that in the bud!
  16. In the range if not low for this area.
  17. The calls are terrifying on their own. lol
  18. I will admit, the first time going out at night, it felt a bit odd. Like we were doing something illegal - shining and shooting. But it really is fun - especially when Treeguy constantly bashes you for stealing his stuff and missing foxes.
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