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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. No tubers at plot 2. It’s overrun with thistle and what brassicas I do see are quite small still. Not sure when they started on this plot as I haven’t been there since plNting until yesterday.
  2. It’s good soil there. The second plot I did is not near as good but I also failed to spray which was a mistake.
  3. Lol. Skunked. Only 3 deer. 2 bucks and third we couldn’t tell. First time for everything.
  4. Wishing the best for you Taco.
  5. Don’t have a Cam on it yet and it’s an out of the way plot for observation. Short answer, not sure. But I suspect it will do well once frost hits.
  6. Added some 15-15-15 today. Plot looks pretty good although the forage rape is yellowing a bit. Hoping the new fert helps and the clover planted in the plot starts adding nitrogen. Natalie was amazed at how big those little seeds she planted with me last weekend of July grew.
  7. If it’s anything like the three other times I filled nuisance tags, it doesn’t last long enough for a thread.
  8. Natalie and I are going to sit at the corner of a barn in our street clothes tonight and try to knock down a doe at farmers request. Little nuisance tag “hunting”. Told her she has to gut. And she was happy about it. Lol
  9. Natalie and I are going to sit at the corner of a barn in our street clothes tonight and try to knock down a doe at farmers request. Little nuisance tag “hunting”. Told her she has to gut. And she was happy about it. Lol
  10. That came out awesome. Now you have me thinking corn next year. No idea is could be broadcasted.
  11. Cool walls too Bionic. I like your style.
  12. I have an ozone generator that I use on my hunting clothes. At least to my nose, it killls odor for the most part. I still wash them in scent free soap but less often. The last thing I want is to lug more equipment in the woods so ozonics is not for me. If I understand the premise correctly, in an area where you have swirling wind, it shouldn’t work well anyways since it has to be Between you and wind source to work. unless you are constantly moving the ozonics generator for each wind shift it’s only working in one direction I am with Grampy, we hunt some areas with swirling winds and erratic Deer patterns. You do your best and take your chances.
  13. Cool log home Bionic. I would love to retire to a log home with a few hundred acres.
  14. Try it. You may have a different experience. But I have shot single string with a sight (no peep) and I didn’t score any better. About the same. My bad shots are usually not the result of bad aiming.
  15. Nice Jay. Rolling into season confidently is important.
  16. Sorry to hear it Bryan. That is tough. Stay positive. A new door will open.
  17. Consistently is a relative term. Lol Yep lots of practice. I probably shoot arrows on average 5 days a week. If I didn’t have an indoor range at home, it would make it even harder to stay on top of it. But I do use the riser window and arrow as a rough form of aiming/sighting. Lots of guys gap off the arrrow tip. My gaps are too big to be practical because i anchor low so I use the sight window instead. Aiming is not really the hard part although clear it’s less consistent than a peep and pins. Most bad shots come from a form break down in my opinion. Just much tougher to be consistent in form with single string. No back wall, no drop away rest and shooting fingers is the challenge.
  18. Dave, happy to loan you a riser and some 25lb limbs to give it a go for a while. With your shoulder, I would start light (no more than 30) with a goal of shooting 40lbs by next season. Plenty to kill Deer. If you want to buy, I would suggest a black bear warf and some cheap axiom limbs to start. Both can be had used and when you are ready for more weight, just buy the limbs you want. Trad tech limbs are highly regarded for $150 new or $100 used. The warf is an old bear compound that guys convert to a 21” ilf riser. I have one and it’s a great riser that can be had for $100. A set of axiom limbs is less than $100 new I think. Same set up Natalie shoots. Seriously you are welcome to borrow some. The warf and medium limbs will make a 64” bow. Should be perfect combo of foregiveness and not too long to hunt. Just text me.
  19. I get it. I wouldn’t change now either. But if you start practicing with it post season you can make the switch. It’s not easy because you start by screwing up accuracy. Eventually you will become accustomed to it and shoot better than ever. Need to commit no matter how the shots look for a while. It’s not only a cleaner release, it’s also easier to feel your anchor with skin on skin and no glove in the way. IMO.
  20. The only one I shoot is a safari tuff tab. They last forever too. The right shape and thickness for me.
  21. Yep - have a few and they aren’t favorites. Love the s30v.
  22. That head looks good. New style rage or something else? The hypos I have looks slightly different.
  23. A lot more effort to take a photo. Not just whipping out your phone. Very cool pics!
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