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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Yep. Popular Airgun scope. Never owned one.
  2. One of the reasons I like shooting bushnell 3200 elites with pellet guns is that they are adjustable down to 10yds I believe. But I think most rimfire specific scopes are set to 50 and not adjustable. At least there is less of an issue shooting a small target close up. Adjustable is nice for a .22.
  3. I hit all moving parts on my garage door with WD40 for the first time since the house was built 12 years ago. And the garage door is now quieter! Amazing.
  4. Like GW I cannot tell a lie. Companies pay me not to shoot their bows!
  5. Quiet. It’s a pitch and subjective at that. My no cams are all slower than a dead sloth too.
  6. I don’t think any of us really sold him on the Triax so I will repeat the pitch that sold Biz on the last latest and greatest Matthews: 1. Greatest bow ever made; 2. Faster than greased lightening; 3. Guaranteed that no more than 2hrs per year required to shoot like Levi; 4. Guaranteed to never miss a deer; 5. Guaranteed to get a shot on a booner every year. The bow draws em in like a magnet; and 6. In he highly unlikely event that there is a failure under nos. 4 and 5, You are invited to the matthews farm to shoot any buck it purchased from Four Seasons. Now that’s a company that stands behind its high dollar bows.
  7. I would make sure you buy a scope where parallax is 50 and beyond. Not 100 to infinity like most rifle scopes. There are several scopes made for .22 rimfire with such a parallax. I have a Vortex on mine. But leupold would be great.
  8. Absolutely not. You are the #2 part of the whole gathering! Sorry - softball.
  9. Hey what about my second chance in arm wrestling. Been training hard for it. Don't run from the competition!
  10. Second floor window looks like a prime spot for the stand, depending on wind of course.
  11. But when you throw your bow to the ground after a miss, isn't cheaper better?
  12. They deliver the bottle to you and hang out for a little "volleyball". Not bad for $50.
  13. lol - that includes everything. 90g inserts and 250g heads. Should hit like a mack truck as far as single string goes.
  14. This is true and the reason I have paid quite a bit for a few of my bows. Regarding speed, 10fps is a big jump in this arena and honestly makes little difference in the real world. Smooth and quiet are keys for me. I was testing two arrows last night through the chrono, one 620g and the other 740 g. Speed difference on the same bow was 6-7fps. Guess which one I will be hunting with.
  15. Quick update - still had ice at 50 hours when I went to sleep last night. I drank 1/2 of the water and this morning (Wednesday), the ice was gone but water still ice cold. Not bad considering I filled it Sunday at 7:30pm.
  16. A lot of those online "best" reviews are sponsored and typically have only the bigger name brands. Not what I would call reliable.
  17. But not safely in any direction.
  18. The only compound I have owned since I went primarily to trad bows 3 years ago is an obsession. So quiet and dead in hand with like 85% let off, I have a hard time comprehending how it could be improved. I always liked elites and some bowtechs too. It becomes personal preference at some point.
  19. Wow that is some short eye relief on that scope. lol
  20. Good advice by John. I loved buying and selling compounds on AT. Probably owned more bows in my first 3 years of hunting than most will buy in 2 lifetimes. Buy em a year or more old and you can get top of the line for 1/2 price and not lose anything when you resell it. Is there a difference, yes. Is it worth $500 more for that difference - personal choice. Both will get the job done on deer. I found some high end bows (ex. my first bow was a Helium - had no valley to speak of) I really didn't like either so best to shoot one if you can before buying. If you like your bear, no need to "upgrade" either. And Rob, if you want to question your sanity, think about paying $2500 or so for a stick and string recurve. lol Makes the triax seem like a steal.
  21. That's a good idea too. Who wants to laugh while I miss big fat flying birds.
  22. Extensive research on a major purchase such as this. Its not like an ATV where I just buy on an impulse.
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