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sweet old bill

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Everything posted by sweet old bill

  1. I was out yesterday and got wet 3 times, came in and put the togs in the dryer. I saw a total of one wet young doe3. Not a bit of sign on the edge of our pasture and corn field. No sign of rut at all. I do have some great rubs from I think in se[tember time frame.
  2. It should be and all of next week should be hot with the chase action in place. I will start to spend all day in the woods...
  3. 25 yards and under for the compound bow and 20 yards and under for my 50 lb recurve...
  4. Mine is Nov 5 my birthday. I have been able to take a good buck several times over the years as the date is also most years in the chase timing of the bucks are ready for sex but the does still are not ready...
  5. I sure think you should consider how state like Iowa has the season dates and length of gun hunting over bow hunting. Plus how many deer you can take.
  6. Had a 3D target that a buck kicked the iving hell out of one time. Broken the horn and knocked the center out of the target...
  7. at 68 years young it still get the old heart beating...what a rush
  8. some lures do not have anything in them to keep them from starting to break down with Heat. So if you keep or store in the old ice box they last the total season. I never have tried freezing from one year to the next.
  9. I use to buy from a deer farm about 5 gals of deer lure in doe pee, buck pee or doe in heat. I would take the time to repackage in 4 oz bottle and was told that it was best to keep in the old ice box till use. I found a lot of the guys would pickup the lure and just toss it on there dash of there truck or car. Indoing this it would turn to the same as trash in one afternoon of the sun heating it up. I found that for lure to work it also is the buck have to be in that chase with the doe not ready. I had lots of customer bring in photo's of there buck taken over the lure. It sure seemed if they would find a fresh scrape and then put some on it they increased there odds of taking a buck. I still use lure and put it on 12 ga bore cleaning cotton swabs and leave a scent trail from a scrape. I make it then pass near my ground blind.
  10. I do not know were you are coming from but the area outside of Norwich new in the tows of North Pharsalia and also South Osetlic has a lot of stae hunting woods. They are made up of rolling hills, hard woods, with old apple trees, old farm lands that were purchased by the state in the 1930's. ALso then the state had CCC camps in the area were then made land improvement, wood roads, and planted lots ot pine tree for paper mills...I hunt the area route 23 in North pharsalia off of One eye road, it has 7500 acreas of land.
  11. Doc I found the best time is when the snow first goes off in late March. It is easy walking no new growth, all the sign of the breeding scrape are easy to read as well as rub lines. I thne follow up with a check in the early september to again read the sign to see if anything has changed as for the overall pattern of the area.
  12. I had a great time shooting with NYBOB today. They have a great 3D course and the shoot was priced right, that had it as the year ending shooting and it was free. We had a great breakfast and started out with frost, but as the sun got higher it got to be in the low 60"s. The people there do a outstanding job and the course has almost all new targets. They do some great setup on the targets, from shooting across a pond at a full elk to shooting at a wolf that has a piece of a deer in it mouth. My hand goes out to NYGRIZ and all the member for putting on a outstanding shoot. They also had 1/2 chicken for lunch with all the trimmings.Did anyone else from this site go?????
  13. ell they cut the corn on friday in back of my home. I went to check on my ground blind to see if I needed to add some more pine to them. I found that all the deer on the mountain were on the fresh cut corn field, I counted 7 doe, and 3 buck. With one buck that we all would consider a wall hanger. I am hoping that when the rut kicks in the bucks will start to check out the pasture edges to the wood line for doe bedding areas.
  14. what do you mean convince her ???? It your hunting items...it part of the hunting cycle for you not her. It just like a sure sign of spring is having wood shafts that you dip on the outside line drying the in the air...
  15. a true story I one time was hunting a apple trres area, so I put ( 4 oz ) of apple juice in the final rinse cycle. When the hunting togs dried that just had a hint of apples. A buddy asked me if I did any special so I told him of my process with apple juice. I did not see him for several weks and then ran into him, he said how the hell did you stand hunting in them togs with the apple smell. He said he had to get down from the tree stand as the bees were after him. I ask how much he had put into the final rinse cycle, he said just what you told me 40 oz's... He put ten times the amount I had used...
  16. I sure am, I shot again today first in the rain and later when the sun came out. The compound bow and backup bow are all ready, arrows all set, Bh's ready... now with the recurve I sure still am no good after 20 yards. SO if I take the recurve it sure will have to be a close shot.
  17. Hi we all have good wife that want to help ..."""But""" tell her you will do your hunting togs. I use baking soda and wash a load at a time and then hang outside to dry. I also have 3 of the big plastic tote with covers from Walmart. I cut some pine and line the bottom of the toes, then as the hunting togs are dry, I fold and put into the tote. The tote will kepp all house hold smells out of the hunting stuff. I also have found some special dryer sheets that smell like clover. If I need to wash and dry in a hurry...
  18. I use to use them as well, I had the same thing occur. A hole you could drive a small truck thru but no blood to track. I went back to 3 blade fixed blades ( Muzzy or WasP ) that I have had for years. The next doe I shot went 22 yards and looked like someone painted a line for me to follow...
  19. I had a accident a number of years ago, I had the wind blow a branch into my ancor as I was coming to full draw on a buck. It caused the release to go off, also a part of branch pushed the arrow at the same time. The BH entered my open grip on the bow handle, causing me to have 35 striches in the index finger. That had shot me up so they go sew me up. I tried the next day to shoot with the finger in a splint, and about 3 times the normal size. By the next day I cause grip the bow, two days later I got the buck I had started to draw on. We all hope you will be able to recover and be out there. Let us know how you make out...
  20. I have a roller yardage that I use to get the 25 yards and then mark it with orange tape. The tape breaks down in about 3 months with rain and snow. Inside the 25 yards is my killer zone. I just use the one fiber optic scope that is pre set at 25 yards. The sight is a slider that I also have marked for 35 and 45 yards as well as the 25 yards. But in over 15 years I never have had to adjust. I like seeing them eye ball to eye ball...
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