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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. So the taliban leaders are all in the Presidential place in Kabul , be shame if that building were to blow up .
  2. But but but , Biden said guys with rifles , couldn’t match the US military as they have F16s and nukes . https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-mocks-gun-right-advocates-who-say-assault-weapons-needed-fight-government-2021-6
  3. I’m 100% sure, I can’t speak to what others are doing and why . Btw hospitals need to be near full capacity, 80-85 % to generate the proper amount of income .
  4. “ running shots “ that’s a meaningless phrase . How far ? 200 yards ? , 20 ? 2? Like many older guys here ,we drove everyday ,miles of farmland very successfully , if you know your land you can place the watchers to exact trees . Couple times I took new guys who’d doubt where I placed them , then they’d drop a buck at 10 yards as he ran by . The last weekend of gun we ( 2 sometimes 3 of us )will still push a couple spots , new guy last year( 20 year break from hunting ) , I had a stick stuck in the ground where he should stand in the field ,and told him they would run across 10-15 yards West of him , few minutes ,later he had a doe down .
  5. Here’s Twitter from the Pediatric chair of our local children’s hospital, which is currently full . He’s urging you to get the vaccine to help ease up over crowding . They have 80 beds, TWO of which our occupied by covid PTs .
  6. I’ve been to retirement parties of 100-150 guys since way before things “ opened “ up . That’s the beauty of having your own building , with a bar and commercial kitchen.
  7. Thanks, now I guess I should practice lol . I’ve got my week picked out for your fantasy hunting pool , that is if we can pick ourselves .
  8. Thanks , I named that one “ hat rack “ .
  9. Love sorting through thousands of beans moving in the wind photos …
  10. Hang an orange vest up in a tree, when you’re not there, to keep them away . I used to do this when I had an occasional hunter trespassing issue , sit in my Tree in camo, raise the orange flag when i left ,if I wasn’t coming back . Before we posted the land if we left for lunch or to hunt another spot ,guys would descend on the land , then once I started hanging the vest in a tree visible from the road , they never came again . Good luck , I hate those issues
  11. In my youth my friend winged a buck , we tracked it pretty far. This was in an area, of farms , but then houses along the road , as we tracked it in a field it jumped up my buddy shot . Now we weren’t 500 feet from the houses , but we were pretty far and the shot was north and the houses south . Still not,legal yes, but a safe shot . A guy from a house caught up,to us and was yelling at my buddy, then he tried to read his tag, but my buddy kept turning around …. Looked like a cat chasing his tail two guys running in small circles lol .he never got it , a lady came over and let us use the phone in her house to call a local farmer who,picked us and deer up . The end .
  12. My understanding is us and Wisconsin are the only two states with back tags , two good deer hunting states , but still a small market I guess . Mine goes on my day pack , walking it’s visible and in a tree it’s visible on my hanging pack, where as on my back it wouldn’t be in either of those situations.
  13. Nice my first card pull will be tomorrow !
  14. Actually the true number deployed for the mission is 5000 . There’s also 1000 staging in Kuwait and another 1000 in Qatar . This is America ,where we tell our enemies exactly what we’re going to do and when , but how fast you can really drive on an expressway is a closely guarded secret.
  15. I’m all for it ! Some of the anti crossbow guys here hunt out of state , so this is my new cause .
  16. Stuck five plants in some old flower pots, got 10-12 on each one . That’s it for me .
  17. I’ve found the webbing seats don’t last long, those I replace with plywood . The mesh seats on my ladders have lasted years and years , I did get some replacement mesh seats for them but have yet to need them . My patio chairs are mesh ,very similar to my large stands, they’ve been outside year round for perhaps 12 years . There’s also many strap on seats one could use ,if one had total failure of the stands seat .
  18. Yep, the 14 day thing is , your papers have to be filed 14 days prior to your leave date . And there’s not one person here that wouldn’t file for it .
  19. As far as those shooting rails , I’ve never put one on , anybody wants some , they’re leaning against my garage wall . I do have 4 of the Moog stands , 3 of which I know where they are . They are super easy to move, I just remove the strap grab a lower rung and carry them upright to the next tree . One of my best stands is one of those , but it’s along a crop field ( beans this year ) and set for shots to my left ,so I don’t need to move around on it .
  20. I usually get mine the end of September, my daughter buys her gun tag the night before opening day .
  21. Occasionally BBC, other than that nothing. When I was working we’d watch whatever Robin Mead was on , we’d bet on the color of the dress of the day .
  22. Perhaps online course work and one night in person review and test? The hardest thing for my two , was finding three nights they could give up to take the class . With their workload at school and sports, it was near impossible to free up 5:30- 10:30 on three school nights . The one who managed to do it , never read the book, and said it was the easiest test she ever took , and was amazed that some in the class flunked …. But they were signed off as passing after discussing the wrong answers with the instructors .
  23. I’m all ladders today . The bigger the better, this is a Field and Steam, larger beams, big platform, large comfortable seat that flips up . Easy to turn 360, without concern of my feet going off the platform like on small ladders . All day comfort . here’s the stand a a few of the recent deers taken from it .
  24. Agree. It is with cautious optimism for sure .
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