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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Cam is EYECON their lowest price model and I have it mounted on cam pole so I could put cam along edge of the pond (which is mostly overgrown with cattails and few brush trees). The farmer leases part of land from her and I think about 25 acres is cornfield.
  2. Thanks Eddie, not shown is the pond to the left and behind the deer in pic. And right behind that are the woods. The path goes all way around cornfield right back to my sisters yard. I love this spot!!
  3. Yea it makes for easy walk to the back of property. My brother-in-law had the outside edge of cornfield leveled and he planted grass seed and mows it every 10 days or so. Its so much easier getting back to my spots.
  4. Checked my cam out at my sisters property, couple walking thru.
  5. greg54


    Hope you and husband recover quickly. Ouch....just the thought of hitting a deer on bike hurts...
  6. I got 9m on my first and 9m on my second. I got my modified archery permit last week, I'll be using the drawloc I purchased. Going be great to go out this year.
  7. I got a dose of it this past Tuesday, and its on hands, arms, neck, face. I see my doctor on Monday, so I will ask for more corticosteroid cream and maybe prednisone. Hydocortisone cream will help with the itching, and take a Benadryl to help you sleep if its keeping you from falling asleep at night. And wash with soap and water frequently showering to help get rid of the oil. Takes time to get rid of but you can try different things to help relieve symptoms.
  8. That's cool video..I always thought they had only one.
  9. My buddy sent me that..I got good laugh from it lol
  10. Not a bad idea really!!!
  11. The group of American college kids that were outside the courthouse during his arraignment holding signs supporting and claiming his innocence. There is something wrong with this. Yes, they have a right to protest. But support a terrorist? Where do these kids see in a murderer? A pretty face on a magazine? Something is wrong with this younger generation of Americans that they think a terrorist is a good guy. He is a scumbag, pile of sh@#!t.
  12. And I suppose the "BOY" terrorist in the Boston bombing was just thinking he was setting off firecrackers. You know, "just being a boy"
  13. I forgot, boys will be boys
  14. That murdered black boy????? Did I miss something? That my rendered black boy? Where did a poor innocent little black child get murdered? Did I miss something?
  15. It was all over the media, and yes the authorities knew. The just left them alone and Eric Holder did his vanishing act he is so well known for. Keep it quiet and it will go away.
  16. Those scumbags were outside a polling place in last Nov presidential election, in a mostly white, elderly neighborhood. The were carrying billy clubs, scaring away many elderly in their 60's and 70's from voting because they were scared of them scumbags. WOW, real tough aren't you, ya piles of dirt. Where was Eric Holder after this? NOWHERE to be found. Yea, in the CORPS we were either light green or dark green. But these black panthers are nothing but a big sh#@! pile, and smell like it to. This country is going down the toilet.
  17. Major stores aren't even going to put it on their shelves. Hears CVS and many others are not giving that scumbag any attention. As for the people who have sympathy for this dirtbag, and those are mostly younger Americans, you need to get serious help and also get a better rolemodel. This punk is a pile of sh#@!!
  18. i totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I called DEC office last Friday, they said Mon Aug 12 they go on sale.
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