One of the best meteors i ever witnessed was sitting in a tree stand waiting for day light , it must have started to spin rapidly on entry and threw a pin wheel of debris all around it ,very cool to see.
It's odd to hear of people having a problem taking out the pups ,thats the best time if you are trying to control the number. That pack won't split up when they realize the gig is up like a mature yote will do.
I knew something was up when a yote den thread was up to 7 pages . I just read all 7 pages , my next activity will be to go outside and slam my head in the car door ,id rather my head hurt on the outside instead of the inside.
You have until the age of 3 before the price goes up. Add ons like a bow stamp are the same price regardless of age . I plan on getting my son a lifetime this year.
My buddy has a bridge over his creek . Occasionally it floods so bad that the water washes away the railroad ties that are sitting on top . Something to think about if the water should ever reach a depth that would dislodge the pine since the top boards are attached to them . His railroad ties usually get stuck in the bank withing 50 feet of the bridge and just get pulled back with ropes .