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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Under armor just released a new video of cam hanes and joe rogan on a bow hunt.
  2. Now they won't explode and get on your lip when you boil the skull. Had that happen once.
  3. It beats having a golden pine .
  4. Not that much ,a couple packages of steaks is all he wants.
  5. Do they still do that? I always looked through the lost and found in high school and took a book if I had that class,then I would have a duplicate to leave at home and reduce the amount of books I carried home. I must have looked so cool,not bringing books home ever.
  6. Can you steer them closer with some well placed brush piles?
  7. I was just thinking that ,since it's not a Christmas gift or anything time sensitive, I may wait til after the holiday rush to avoid it getting held up somewhere for too long.
  8. Sounds similar to what I was just reading , they said 1.5 inch thick Styrofoam is plenty of insulation on frozen meat if you include dry ice or a frozen gel pack on top and bottom.
  9. I'm wondering who would ship venison ,also what kind of packaging would be needed . My dad is down in Florida til may and I wanted to try and get him some venison down there.
  10. I have 4 of them ,they ditched the ratchet straps for a chain now . Plan on using some ratchet straps in addition to the chain.
  11. Nothing in NT , drove from hamburg to NT yesterday at 3 and it was 75 mph all the way home ,no snow.
  12. Just checking ,I was gonna offer to take you to the range at the club if you need to a spot to sight it in.
  13. Ordinarily I would take the muzzle loader out ,since I was lucky enough to get one last week ,I plan to go out with the bow . I really want one with the bow this year.
  14. I picture the pop eye music start playing as you open the package.
  15. I'm not baiting deer , I really enjoy eating cracked corn while in my stand ,I just happen to be a really messy eater.
  16. My buddy bought the savage axis package and the scope some how got out of whack and he shot a does leg off ,he was sick over it . Went home and shot some targets and sure enough it was hitting way low for some reason. He has better glass on it now and it's a very capable rifle.
  17. Anyone ever get stung by a bee while cleaning the gutters? Instant infection.
  18. I have a single story house ,I took a piece of pvc pipe and loose fit a couple 90s on one end with a small piece connected to the second 90. Then I hook it up to my shop vac and vacuum the gutters out ,works really well and the clean up is almost nothing ,just empty the shop vac and maybe hose it out.
  19. The cool part is that he used his fathers gun ,the part that ruins it is the the higher power looking down or the voices guiding him to run through the field.
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