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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Nice work Culver. I was just talking to my wife about this last night. Our neighbors daughter is into helping her dad make jerky and their mother can't figure out why. I told her there's a good movement right now that is getting younger kids into the woods as they desire to learn more about and take control over what goes into their bodies. And that there's a certain amount of pride and enjoyment in the whole process. That and a big mess and a sore back after you're done cutting up a whole deer if you don't get any help lol.
  2. just bought this from amazon a few weeks ago and i like it for the price. has a cool reversible insert that aligns the organs for quartering away shots if you want it, or straight on. there's a $20 rebate too. and dicks doesn't get your money https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003A1P4P2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. http://www.huntersafetysystem.com/linemans-climbing-strap-3/ requires the vest though
  4. Went up Friday to the daks. It was not bear weather lol. I sat 2 mornings and one evening. Did have a nice buck come within bow range though. All in all, it was good to get out in the woods and my expectations were low, but bear hunting without bait in NY is tough. Especially in the vast north country.
  5. Glad to hear you're recovering. Understand you're not out of the woods yet Eddie, and I wish and pray for a speedy recovery for you and your family. While it's very insignificant, I also hope you recover quick enough to get in some good woods therapy this fall. I'm sure your loved ones are already nervous about you being alone in the woods, but that's what cell phones and gps is for. Invest in those to help keep their mind at ease.
  6. this, or a version of it are a must have for climber users https://www.robinsonoutdoors.com/shop/rope-style-tree-strap.html http://www.huntersafetysystem.com/rope-style-treestrap-1/ i personally have the hss version
  7. tragically underrated because they don't advertise like HSS does, but it's light, comfortable and doesn't pinch. I've had both and this wins hands down. https://www.robinsonoutdoors.com/shop/tree-spider-safety.html
  8. I have 3 boys all into sports. all will need plenty of sneakers and gear growing up and we've already shopped elsewhere for these things when we normally hit up the webster dicks. We're all campers, fisherman and hunters. I'd estimate I really only used dicks for good sales and last minute things. Maybe $100 a year on hunting gear, but what they will lose from me on sneakers and sports gear will be thousands. hope it was worth it. looks like the soccer moms posting their praise on facebook that you expected to flock to your stores didn't actually follow through. shocking.
  9. i agree. But not the easiest to handle in the field and for me it's a forgivable offense if left behind. Personally, I'd spend the extra 10-15 minutes to get it out. It's a lot easier hanging in the garage with the hide's gravity pulling down to assist as you work your way around cutting. Then with a quick crunch from the loppers you have your roast. Never tried it in the field, so maybe it's easier than I'm making it out to be.
  10. despite my rattling pack and doe pee, I'm clearly hunting coyotes officer my buddy is up over the hill and I'm going to push to him and I have this 30-06 in case I see a yote on my push I know it's night time and deer season is open and I can't use this spotlight officer... but I'm yote hunting. You're not buying any of those? Oh well, where's my $100 ticket.
  11. "assisting other hunters" is totally up for interpretation too don't you think? not here to get into any of that sh!t again. Just find it interesting is all.
  12. what's kind of interesting about that last paragraph in the tagging section "carrying a ceterfire rifle maybe be considered evidence of attempting to shoot deer" highlights some of the most knock down drag out fights we've had on this forum with regards to having other open seasons during deer season and possessing those weapons. It really shows that the DEC isn't going to take a firm stance, but sure as shit is going to hassle you. To the OP's original question. by quartering you're not really missing any meat that most of us use. I'd tell you that there's a good chunk of meat in the neck, but it's not super easy to get to in the field and I doubt anyone would give you grief for not taking it with you. A lot of guys dont even bother with it at home. Also some will take the ribs, but most don't. Good luck.
  13. so you just moved, and ended up closer to your gf's ex?
  14. is it a small enough plot that you could weed wack the thistle? at least to stop its progress? Or as suggested, they make the contact round up gel. Would be even better to just walk though and kill the thistle with that stuff. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Roundup-Precision-Gel-5-oz-Weed-and-Grass-Killer-5200301/206929581
  15. Did some plotting yesterday. It was too hot and humid for my liking, but this was probably our only real shot at getting this in. Also praying these storms roll in today or tomorrow. I took a half-assed approach to this, but also tried to do what I could to increase my odds. In the end I bought some imperial no-plow https://www.whitetailinstitute.com/imperial-no-plow-annual/ from tractor supply and some 15-15-15 fert from countrymax. They recommend 400 lbs an acre of 17-17-17 and to be honest I put down about 40 pounds on my ~1/8 acre and I stopped because it just seems like too much. I didn't do any soil testing or lime. In total I'm out $80 not including the equipment i already own and still have enough fert and seed to do another 1/4 acre. And about 2 hours sweat equity. I leaf blew the area, then used my cultivator trimmer attachment and that little guy really did a great job. Area is pretty rooty, but soft and not rocky, so that helped. Next applied the fert followed by basically a whole bag of the no-plow. The bag was good for 1/4 acre but I bought this cheap $10 hand spreader and that thing sucked and kept jamming. So I doubled up but I'm not worried about that. Followed that by a light hand rake and some walking on. Now I've done a clover plot before, but this is the first plot in the deep woods and a couple thoughts. The Honda Rancher my dad bought 2 years ago made this job exponentially easier. Like, there was no way we would have survived a wheel barrel trip back there with this gear in this heat. We could have done it yes, but man...I also left some of the existing vegetation because I don't think it'll hinder much. My troy-bilt with the brush cutter and cultivator is a great tool for these small plots. https://www.lowes.com/pl/Trimmerplus--String-trimmer-attachments-String-trimmer-parts-accessories-Trimmers-edgers-Outdoor-tools-equipment-Outdoors/4294506768?refinement=4294955043 Leaf blower helped too, but not mandatory, just saved some sweat from raking. I think in the end, I enjoyed the time in the woods with dad. We scouted a bit and developed a plan for a new stand, put some cams in and didn't spend a lot of money or time if it doesn't work out. If it does, it was a good experiment for future, more elaborate plots. We're surrounded by corn and apples this year, so our goal isn't to feed or grow racks, but to help build some staging areas and guide the deer to use certain runs over others. fingers crossed. push mower unrleated prior to work (old logging road, stand on the right up the hill) whole plot not pictured. leaf blown and picked up tilled view from other end final product a very small spot at a new spot. just hand raked this spot. used some leftover seed and fert. took maybe 20 minutes. so why not? haha
  16. Appreciate all the advice. These few small plots were logged 2 winters ago. I imagine there's some decent nutrients in the soil, but I think I'll probably buy some fert, just not go crazy. Maybe just do a little bit of different varieties here and there. The WTI stuff can add up. I'm in webster, is there anywhere local to buy some cheaper stuff? How quick does winter rye come up?
  17. i did full bore at my old house. tilled, limed, fert, cut trees. Had great results, but the work wasn't so hard as it was right behind the house. This place is deep and a good 20 minute hike. So it requires an "easier" approach for now as we don't really have any equipment. Old man bought a rancher 400 last year so at least we have something to transport all the crap.
  18. yeah i should rephrase. I'm happy to rake or even use my tiller attachment on my trimmer (it's not really anything heavy duty), but not about to disc. And the "instructions" for some of these specifically mention tilling or discing. I guess it's more of a question of, is it even worth it to try without fert? we're surrounded by corn and apples, but there's a particular spot in the hard woods that they pass through. We're mostly bow hunters so my goal is to steer them towards the stand and not one of the other runs. Less of a dinner spot and more of a later morning snack... Does that make sense? This would be a no frills trial year. < 1/4 acre. If we get even decent results we'd get more serious in the following years.
  19. Getting ready to do some work. I don't really see any varieties of oats that are "no till". Am I missing something? checked out these 2 so far https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/plotspike-forage-oats?cm_vc=-10005 and at twice the cost... https://www.whitetailinstitute.com/whitetail-oats-plus-annual/ Figured I would mix in some clover or winter rye with the oats for the first go round. Also most of these are recommending some serious fertilizer. I don't mind flushing $50 down the drain, but not really sold on the work and extra effort and expense to do 300 lbs of fertilizers and what not the first year. Maybe if it works ok I'd get more serious. Anyone do ok without messing with lime and fert?
  20. only so much one can take. Tried bowing out for several pages now. When a group of "bullies" keeps coming at you, and you're all by yourself eventually you give in. idk. Maybe it's time for me to follow grow. I'm sure yall will be a lot happier then.
  21. left the woods around 9:30. Had a few purs and clucks from hens but never a siting or a gobble anywhere close. Maybe just not the day. I don't think the heavy fog was helping though.
  22. Yep. I’m content. Didn’t commute in rush hour and not sitting at my desk. Happy to be in the woods. Bonus is that the bugs aren’t out yet either. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Only a few lone gobbles very early off in the distance for me. Only my 3rd time out this year, but the previous 2 were chock full of action. Could be weather, could be that it’s getting late in the season? Idk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. How obvious are pregnant doe? No fawns and a decent size. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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