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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. And that's the right way to go about this. Legal, non-violent protest.
  2. exactly. We brought this up before. The site bans the word and suspends members who use it, but allow it on their site. Very hypocritical
  3. As I stated, fighting laws and politicians through the proper channels is not rolling over. If I remember correctly, you're a judge of some sort, so i'm surprised you don't support this. I belong to the NRA. I belong to SCOPE. I have a sign in my yard. I try to educate people who are uninformed about the SAFE act. I use my vote and so does my wife. Short of going to rallies, there's not much left for me to do legally. exactly. And violent protest does nothing but further the belief of anti-gun and fence riders that they need to further pursue control and bans
  4. You are off your rocker. The founding fathers were fighting a foreign ruling government. I don't believe they ever envisioned 200+ years later that the citizens of their well established nation would begin violent protest. I do believe they would want us to exorcise all of our rights by voting out the officials we don't like, and that's the best thing we can do. But you papist, and the other tin foil hat wearers hell bent on militia type revolts need to chill out. We are all anti-safe act, and I do not even own an AR. But I have a great job, a young family and a good life. I will vote and educate and help spread the word about the BS the Safe Act, but I will not risk my family for an assault rifle. If you think you're some great martyr you're naive. If you get arrested for your unregistered AR you will make page 2 of the local town newspaper and nothing more. There will be no Tienanmen square for you.
  5. i feel like back tags were one of those things that once it was in there is no going back. Anything that can be tied even slightly to safety will have a hard time being reversed. The key is to never allow it into existence in the first place, and hence why the SAFE act is a problem.
  6. ditto. it's fun to talk a big game until reality hits you in the face.
  7. small twigs are an entirely different story than what some of the people in this thread have described. And just a friendly PSA, we all know that when following a deer and waiting for a clear shot, make sure you're aware of your new background. What was once safe might not be.
  8. i'd rather eat a tag than wound an animal being careless.
  9. there is really no reason someone should take a risky shot that may wound any deer (trophy or not). It's a bad excuse for not putting in the time during the offseason to trim your shooting lanes. We have some stands that require 2 trimmings. Also with modern glass, you should be able to pick your lane, and if you can't, then I wouldn't take the shot.
  10. you wont see it on the 6:30 news or outside local. While yahoo is a popular website, it's no nightly news. The same reason the treyvon martin case became so big, and the countless innocent people shot by a person of color are never touched. pick and choose.
  11. seeems all the anti's are out again after the last school shooting. Some really head shaking statements made on facebook...
  12. i've seen this a few times before too and i do not question the fart, but have always wondered if the sound effects were added.
  13. greatest thing i ever bought for hunting/hiking/camping.
  14. I respect everyones right to eat what they want so long as they keep their opinion of what i eat to themselves and I'll do the same. That sad, forcing pets/kids to eat a certain way is wrong.
  15. maybe they can have their own thread? "VJP and Papist News" and just post there... No new topics to clutter the site and section...
  16. I know this is being a hypocrite, because I have told others before numerous times that if they don't like the topic they shouldn't open the thread. but the number of these threads is getting ridiculous. Good lord, there has to be another website where you can post this stuff.
  17. bug b gon has always done a decent job against all little buggers for me.
  18. Go to jail, get a free education and medical. Obey the law and figure it out yourself
  19. And by proven otherwise, I will gladly open my pack and present it to you.. geez. I dont think anyone here is arguing that you shouldn't have your tags on you, just the silliness of having to display them. and if you're on my property I could care less if you have a tag or not. You have bigger problems, you're trespassing.
  20. Agreed. The noise against the tree is one of my biggest issues.
  21. i've never actually worn my backtag except the few times I hunted public land. Such a dumb rule. Hardly any other states require it.
  22. you're such a trip. I wouldn't doubt you VPN just to post on this site.
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