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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. ah the worst part was trying to get dressed in the morning out of the trunk, couldnt feel my fingers and I couldnt figure out how we were going to wade across the creek that morning. Thankfully we decided to hit another spot instead, hell of a still hunt and stalk that day, in ski pants. lol I will never forget that one for sure.
  2. I agree but how well could they establish it from basic hear say? Some folks on here have some made up stories, I can imagine trying to figure out the BS from reality. Sounds like a fun job I want no part of. lol
  3. And you can be 500ft or less as long as you have permision from your neighbor. I dont have a set up like those but dangit I wish I did, I could nap and cook lunch and nap some more with out freezing to death. Dave6x6, I will need the GPS coodinates of that place so I can inspect it for proper safety measure, it will take all day and no one needs bother me. I will start at 530am Saturday. Any of you opposers ever hunted when its -21 windchill? I have and it was terrible, but I did get a deer that day.
  4. Deer numbers fluctuate over time, we call it the herd moving but its not really that obviously. We have hunted a place in 3J that I can honestly tell you I saw @60 by noon. Coming from hunting places like you probaly do now and we still do it kinda freaked me out..lol Right now there are lots of deer in western/central NY, I want to "follow the herd" and find me a spot out there maybe.
  5. 3 more pages till meltdown....lol
  6. That I agree with and know is true! haha As I already said, I don't want to research it out of shear lazyness.
  7. Doc come on, thats why there are search warrants and probable cause, they can't just do what they want in the name of investigating.
  8. haha How else are you supposed to heat the barrell up besides shooting 3 or 4 when shooting at deer?
  9. Maybe there is some one on here that could use some of it?
  10. A pb&j and a drink, you never know how long you will be out there potentially tracking one.
  11. One thing is for sure, with all of those extra drops it should have been easier to grab a hold of to drag out!.
  12. We need 4 more pages before we even warm up, but we could use your help when the time comes. Thats unfortunate about the weedwhacker, did it work though?
  13. We allways get at least one bottle of Mondavi Pinot Noir, select lable. I do like a good Malbec from time to time too. I do need a new wine cooler, damn fan motor burnt out twice on the one I have..cheap piece of crap! Any one else buy wine by the case? Most places offer a discount if you are buying 12 at a time, usually 10% off. That last's us a good while, although we are more inclined to drink it if its there..lol
  14. Once it hits about 7-9 pages Steve863 and I will take a dump on it and end it, stay tuned. Looks like we have one of those a week.
  15. I understand, I am considering selling my 7mm Browning for a lighter one. I weighed it last night, 10 pounds 2 ounces fully loaded. I spent too much on it to leave it sitting in the closet unused..lol
  16. It never cease's to amaze me how low some criminals are, cardboard over plates is something. WOW
  17. I liked them because because they have the sweet---dry chart on the back. Its a great beginers wine as far as learning what types are sweet and dry. My taste's have changed to a drier wine over time.
  18. No but I am THAT cheap..lol I will just wait for you to buy it, carry it for a year and then sell it to me when something cooler comes out next year. haha So how much for the Chuck Daly?
  19. I was stuck on Bully Hill for a long time, love NY wines.
  20. Sweet, all I gotta do is sell the house so I can buy one! lol
  21. yea yea, I know, I screwed myself out of my dads guns when he dies. lol..I can shot a right handed gun, its just ducking the empties that is a challenge. The true challenge is shooting a right handed bow left handed..haha I have done it.
  22. I think you are wrong but dont care to look up the actual facts..lol I think the officer told us something to the effect of, they have to have permission to go onto the land or be able to see the bait from an adjoining property line. I don't think they can just go wandering through some land because just think of how many people would be crying wolf to hassle their neighbors. In our case we dont own the land so DEC stopped and got permision from the landowner to enter his property to investigate.
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