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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. Well usually if something is escaping down the leg it was more than gas, farts do NOT have lumps in them like mom's gravy. Hey Steve, do you remember that thread on the old site where the guy told us a story about how he ripped one when he had a doe in front of him..I still laugh at that thread. I think we ened up telling him to drop his pants and gas the deer to death..hehe
  2. Eddie I am not knocking you here, but couldn't you just eat a salad with dinner and get the same affect? Man my wife would have given the whole bottle last night.. whoie, venison stir-fry did a number on me.. I almost blew the house up!
  3. What do you take to de-stink farts? Or do I not want to know. Just to let you guys know, I am the founding member of Real-Stink camo and if you want to get in at the ground level of my start up company PM me. ;D
  4. yup Hawks do their job pretty well, so do the owls. Imagine if they had a season on Hawks and Owls..haha Apparently Owls like to be-head their victims, I was attending a training session with my dog and the guy that has the bird pen's had one in the night before and it got a bird. The guy came out with the decapitated head and body and was joking that the birds eat less that way.. hehe I wonder how much small game an Eagle can eat, we see some every year in Greene county. Last year the day after killing a deer there was an Eagle on the gut pile, neat to see.
  5. scot I can see you don't get it, it does not matter if the deer is killed at 1.5 or 5.5, it only matters that the deer is killed. And what exactly do you think you are doing for the hunting community by not shooting a deer? Our jobs as hunters is to kill deer, if we don't do our jobs the DEC already has a list of things to control the deer herd at the ready, its all been studied and documented. Not that I think we are any where near having to worry about that but the point is the DEC needs us to kill deer not name them. DEC biologist have posted on their web site that there is no biological advantage to AR's, it is merely a social issue, you want to shoot a "big" buck, alot of others don't care about the rack and relish the time spent afeild and any deer taken is a trophy. Determining what deer to take should remain personal choice.. you know land of the free.
  6. Actually for some reason they asked people that didn't hunt in the AR zones all the time..how dare they! I don't need any explanation, I know 77%.. or 158 guys from your area like AR's.
  7. No its not going over my head...482 people responded to the survey, out of that 327 approve of ars, there are roughly 566,000 hunters in NY. What else are you missing here?
  8. No thats the number that are for AR's, Sorry I confused you.
  9. Yup, I'm still right, those numbers come straight from the DEC.
  10. jesus eruss! Did you pee or poo a little cause I think I may have had it been me.
  11. Maybe you should read the report and find out that I am right. 77% of 199 is 158 and 60% of 283 is 169, that is the total number of responses to the surveys you two are boasting about.
  12. Whats even more interesting are the numbers of 60% and 77% supporting...77% sounds like more guys than 60% right? 77% represents 158 guys and 60%=169
  13. yea roughly 566,000 hunters in the state and we swear the 327 responses (or .0005% of hunters) to a survey are all we need to go on. Let me go a little further, in 3J+C that is .00029% of total hunters and in 3H+k thats .00027% of total hunters. A state with over 19 million residents and 327 is the best they can do.
  14. Some people love bear meat, must be you either love it or hate it. I have never tried it myself but don't want to shoot a bear either. I had a guy tell me once, the first bear you shoot and drag out will be the last. I guess its like dragging a bag of jelly out of the woods, no thanks.
  15. The survey that The hunter loves so much counted on 327 people's opinions out of the thousands that hunt in those wmu. 60% equals 169 hunters from 3J+C and 77% is 158 hunters from 3H+K. Not exactly a large base considering how many hunt in those areas. It is also important to note that not every one surveyed hunted in those units.
  16. oh snap! hahaha do any of them guys have a sense of humor?
  17. lol! nah he ain't my type, he lacks a couple of key parts...
  18. I kinda want want a Arizona EZ fletcher for repairs of torn up fletching. Right now I have some other brand, the name escapes me at the moment.. AEP? I dunno, but thing is a bit of a pain and I would toss it if I had a better one.
  19. Man you are something... you were wrong, its ok, it happens to all of us. I expect more from you, didn't it seem a little far fetched that no one else was reporting it had passed back then? As far as my attitude is concerned, this is just the tip of the ice berg and I have very good reason for it, but you are right its not fair to take out my anger on you guys, my appologies.
  20. Thehunter, don't argue with me look up the DEC biologist and teach them, obviously you know more than them on the subject.. man who hired them biologist any way?
  21. woo whooo a spindly horned 8 point that weighs 124 pounds!!!! hahaha I have said before, AR's are a fine voluntary program.
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