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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. "Youre a little late to the party lol That happened over a month ago and became law after 10 days. The governor didnt need to sign it." Sound familar? It should you said it had passed back on 8/29, just admit you were wrong hot shot. :
  2. How about rocks then? They are simular to grenades in that you have to throw them. Oh and while we are at this going primitive thing how about outlawing camo? nuttin but loin clothes and rocks...I'm in!
  3. "There are clear biological reasons for AR despite what the DEC states," Like what? a slightly bigger rack to see? That is no biological advantage and does zero for the herd.
  4. I love the assumption from the AR guys that if you don't support them you are a "if its brown its down guy", just perfect. Remeber every one 330 people who hunt in the heavily hunted WMU's support AR's and that is the "majority"...lol
  5. You ar guys sure are something, 1.5 isn't a trophy but 2.5 is something to flip over? Go ahead and try to take the high road, you are still shooting scrubs!
  6. I saw like that one you saw Eruss... the lady shot an elk and started cheering like she won the gold, it was a bad shot and the elk just walked a few yards and stood as she went crazy. There was plenty of time to put in another better placed shot in my opinion.
  7. They started cutting here at the end of August, a little early but there is still alot standing too. The acorns are dropping like crazy here too, the deer have lots of options this year.
  8. SteveB has it right, we have all year to try and get recovery rights and most will not have an issue with going and getting one that crossed the prop line. Hell I sent out letters to neighboring property owners months ago now, they are from the city but it didn't stop me from looking them up and trying to contact them. I might not ever understand why some will hunt on the property line when they have so much room over just a bit.
  9. Yes, I read that on one of the sites that had the bill spelled out. It was one of the major reasons to get them in. Was it the actual bill or a web site quoting the bill? I haven't seen that part yet but I didn't really look for that part. Weren't you guys claiming it was automatically passed even if the Gov. didn't sign it a few weeks ago? What happened to that ..lol OK next on the agenda... hand grenades, who wants them to hunt with besides me?
  10. I second what nyarcher said, I tune the bow first, then line up the blades with the vanes in the Y fashion.
  11. No but I do have some Piledrivers and I like them. The mayhem's are a hair light for my taste, but that is just me.
  12. Yea I will stick with my muzzy's too, add in the cost of the arrow and you have one pricey projectile. Where did you find them for $20 that is a great price.
  13. It depends, our one spot in Greene county we don't hurry because the deer don't come through until @8 so maybe 7? All other spots I try to get in a little early while it is still dark.
  14. I have that same size platform on my stands, I love it. Last season I bought another one because Dicks had a sale and we had a coupon. I really want these section ladder steps.. maybe santa will bring them to me.
  15. WNY, do you have the hang on yet because.... http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/the-boss-lite-packable-combo.aspx?a=695486 not a terrible deal, just the steps alone are, http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=686921
  16. "However, it is illegal to place a salt block or mineral lick on lands inhabited by deer at any time of year. It is also illegal to feed deer. Some attractants that are marketed for deer are liquids or dissolving powders which deer may not directly consume, but the attractants may entice deer to feed on the material which absorbed the attractant.These types of produces would not be legal." Here I looked up the offcial wording I was talking about, I was right.
  17. I think this has been covered here a few times but none the less.. Muzzy 3 blade 75gr Reason, no moving parts, shot great, and are tough.
  18. But isin't it bait if it drips on something and causes the deer to eat that.. example... scent drips onto dirt and deer are licking and eating the dirt... just an example.
  19. yup, I'm ready, I got that same felling the other day when I was hanging a stand, it just feels like its time. Of course I can start the 27th because I'm in the North
  20. Any body ever try these things? I have allways used screw in steps but I see these and I don't think they would be too bad.. any thoughts?
  21. Boy thats a scarry thing to deal with.. yikes!
  22. I would guess that it has happened to just about every body that has bow hunted for a while. When it does happen you owe it to the deer to man up and finish it off one way or another. I prefer to just shoot them again with the bow as it is most times easier and safer for both you and the deer. I got to tell you I don't have to do it often but when I have I am 100%, maybe the pressure of wanting to get it done helps me I don't know. And my appologies I also have zero input as far as BP pistols.
  23. You know after messing with my "customized" sight bracket last week I can see the value in a single pin system. What a pain, it all started with a minor peep sight adjustment and that led to a week long battle with teeny tiny pins.. the good news is I'm all polished up and ready for the season. By the way "customized" can also be called cobbed in my case, I swithced pins to a smaller diameter and had to drill out the track of the sight bracket to get the new ones in. A hand held drill is not a milling machine! haha I am a cheap bastard.
  24. How does a rifle kill make P&Y, do you mean they would make P&Y if they were killed with a bow? Just teasing...I knew what you meant.
  25. Yea what he said ^^^^ We have a peice of cutting board that is giant, its about the size of a door. My uncle came across it back when he worked comm consrtuction, I don't have any idea why there was a giant cutting board laying around a job site but we sure are happy to have it!
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