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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I have a whole case I am willing to share! Old Man Fight!!! Carefull, you two old farts might break a hip or something swinging your canes around like that. I got $5 on Doc. LOL! And it's a proven fact that elderly people who do break a hip end up dead in a year or two of other health related complications! So fellas please be careful! The rest of us don't want to lose such entertainment on this website!! Right.. but what if one of them had Blaze Orange on and the other didn't.. would it save their life then?
  2. I hope your kidding kidding about what? I don't think he knows you can use unused tages in the early archery season in the NZ..just a guess though
  3. I have a whole case I am willing to share! Old Man Fight!!! Carefull, you two old farts might break a hip or something swinging your canes around like that. I got $5 on Doc.
  4. Well as far as the part where the animals eat it.. they are the same. Straight up baiting is not the same as a food plot but the end goals may be shared. Thats what I gather from this discussion any way.
  5. no one orders from Cabelas but me. I asked any way and they all said no the only answer is some one in the post office Did it come from Cabelas originally? Could have been some one there in the packing department, think of all of the cards they must see in a single year.
  6. This type of thing can happen more than you think. Usually its the ones hanging in the grocery store, the criminals will copy the numbers down and hang them back up. Once you activate it they use it up right away.
  7. yup I second that.. and I ain't never seen a rabit with quills before.
  8. If its ok to shoot pellets from a far would you mind if I shot at your house from 300 yards? Put yourself in the home owners shoes for one second, all the guys had to do was not shoot in that one direction and every thing would have been fine. If it were me and pellets were hitting my house you had better be ready for returned fire. At 75 years old the one guy should have known better.
  9. "That, is out there, but I'm not throwing stones if it works for you then OK. Just took a doe in the NZ early bow opener, was camping out for a week. Day I took the doe I hadn't showered for 5 days. But to be fair I did sort of bird bath the day before with a washcloth & dish bin, the pits were getting grungy." I hope you took the dishes out first haha JK Yes I shower before a hunt but it has nothing to do with hunting, its cause I like being clean.
  10. I see a trend here.. fenced hunting...baiting...If people start justifing this crap I'm out. "Trust me when i say that i can put you in a preserve and show you a single buck to take with the bow and 99.9% of the hunters could not take that deer" yea right... except you can go back the next day and the deer is still there all penned in and safe. eff your "industry" find a new hobby and stop trying to peddle your goods.
  11. It sounds like alot of us have dealt with fellow hunters that gave the idea for this cartoon. I know I have heard of camps that do nothing but drink, I stay as far from them as I can..scary thought. It is good to know not every one is like that. Would it have been better if the cartoon were an insult on Nascar fans?
  12. Seen it, and my father in-law thought he would be that guy with my wife's tags. Didn't happen though. I beleive I grumbled some thing about a $98 price tag and then something else rude and it was dropped.
  13. Thats still a few thousand bucks each year.
  14. I agree. Not every one can get two bucks in a year but I know a couple of guys that do every single year.
  15. Thats great news, Thanks guys! I pass no fewer than 3 Dicks sporting goods on the way home and I will have to stop and get some today. I hate ticks but they love me.
  16. Nope, between rain and a crazy week my wife and I haven't been able to get out..maybe this week end though..(fingers crossed)
  17. One of my goals is to see a moose while hiking in the Dak's some day. Sounds like our odds of seeing one are increasing. I just need more time to hike there to make it happen. We hiked Kibby Pond this summer and there are reports of some there but we only saw what appeared to be a swimming deer there, but then again it was far across the pond and being a rookie hiker I had no Bino's. Live and learn.
  18. I highly doubt you would be dumb enough to disrespect me face to face by telling me to "step off" but whatever makes you feel better.
  19. No the point is don't type something you wouldn't say if we were face to face. Now, go study your math like a good girl.
  20. Yes those pushes are different from the old style all out drives. I would like to add that we did our drives on the last week end as sort of a last resort move.
  21. Hey look at that you DO get it! The key word is voluntary with us. Really, I'm not the one asking the same repeatative questions..Mr. Internet tough guy all of a sudden eh?
  22. Why don't you two go through the other 802 post's on this subject and find the answer's you seek. I mean how many times does it need repeating.
  23. Deer drives are a fading memory.. I don't know if its a good memory or bad. They never really worked for us, maybe a few times but not on a regular basis thats for sure. I could care less if some one else does them though.
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