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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. May have jumped the string on the shooter.. deer can move real fast in an instant, but reguardless the buck had to have been on alert before the shot. My brother shot a doe last year that jumped on him, she went from broad side to facing him before the arrow got to her at 20 yards.. She was nervous from an encounter with me minutes before. Unbeleivable how fast they can move. He was lucky, he was on the ground so the arrow went into the spine through the neck and killed her instantly. That Muzzy made one hell of a hole in her.
  2. Hey Steve and 33Canuck I know where to find Geno's farm, and for a small sum of money I will give it up. Jk Geno I wouldn't want you to have to get in line to hunt those deer!
  3. Not every one does all of that stuff above, but I do admit to having some of it at least. There are alot of us that keep hunting simple and don't bother with food plots, scentlok and the next new thing. I will agree that the landscape of archery hunting is changing and it seems to me that the new generation is a product of product placement. I have no problem with what others use though, in the end all that money spent may not help at all when the time comes to seal the deal. I am betting the next wave will be the push for legal baiting, like the acorn rage stuff and all the others like it. After all, we hear alot of hunters complaining that they just don't have the time to get out hunting because of busy schedules, even with a really long season.
  4. It depends on the spot that I am hunting, at home here in Northern Saratoga I average 2 but down in Green county its more like 10 per morning sit and some times 20+. The max that I saw was 60 by lunch time, but that was doing drives during gun season, that was one of our first trips down to the area @10 years ago. It was a shock to the system after hunting an area where you were lucky to see a deer in a whole days hunt. Now I feel lucky to have a spot with lots of deer.
  5. They all taste the same to me I may pass on small bucks some day, hell may freeze over when I do though so if you notice it getting cold you will know why. With the bow I try to shoot all good sized deer I can, the freezer don't fill its self.
  6. yup, or go to big and shred the string like I did..
  7. You can get a rough estimate of your draw length if you take an arrow, or small stick of lumber, and hold in to your chest with your arms out in front of you holding the arrow like you are clapping. Measure from the end that was against your chest to where your fingers were, that will give you a starting point at least. It does sound like you will need some one in the know with you to help out. Other than that, I agree you want a brace height of at least 7' to start, the bigger the better as it allows the bow to be more forgiving and you can get away with more mistakes that way. There is a lot to tuning a bow but the basics are easy to grasp, my wife picked up a bow late August last year and ended up making a perfect shot on a doe in November...I give credit to her shooting instructor...me Here is a list of my gear which is fairly basic nowadays.. Whisker Biscuit rest Release Arm Guard Four pin fixed sight I use a meta peep but you may want a tru peep with the rubber hose on it so it comes up right every time Arrows..obviously... there are about ten million kinds though Quiver Silencers for the string Limbsaver s-coil stabilizer Muzzy 75 grain broadheads Good luck!
  8. Just don't drill it while still in the string or... twang... it will be time for a new string! No, actually I have never had a problem with that. I don't put the bit in a power drill, but instead use a small pair of vise-grips to hold the bit and rotate it by hand. It's a completely hand operation. On the Tru-peep, there is a center diameter of thinned out area that drills very easy and still has plenty of wall thickness away from the string strands even if you drilled that whole area out (which I never have). Doc I was speaking from past experience hehe....I learn alot from my screw ups!
  9. Just don't drill it while still in the string or... twang... it will be time for a new string!
  10. Read the bill? why would any one want to do that, then they would be informed as to what is in it, even some of the supporters know nothing about the bill or if it has even passed.
  11. String loop for me too, I also use it to tune my peep sight.
  12. Yup we had it here in Albany county in Voorheesville a few years ago, it stopped once it got cold and killed off the bugs. Its a pretty nasty thing for a deer herd to suffer through and has the potential to drop a bunch of deer rapidly.
  13. I used a cheapy little flash light that was a give away at work, it fit in the chamber of the 7mm and got me on paper. If I spent a little extra time I could have gotten it even closer by bore sighting and saved a few rounds in the process. None of that helped when I realized the guy that put my scope on didn't lock tight the screws that held it on, I wasted a half a box of shells that day and was begining to think the gun had a bent barrell... :-[ haha!
  14. 5/16 G5 meta peep, I went to the big one to help offset poor eyesight and pin blur, especially in low light conditions. I also switched to a .19 size pin on my sight this year to help with the blur problem.
  15. Sometimes I do and some times its cheaper to buy them fletched already, but I use Bohning Blazers, 2in.
  16. Bucks tend to be wider through the chest so the distance between the legs, side to side can be an indication. Also when in rut they do tend to drag their feet, probally due to the constant walking in search of does. The easiest way to find that is when there is snow on the ground, my brother did that last December on his nice 8 he got. He cut the tracks, guessed it was a buck, and tracked him to his bed and shot him. It helped to know the area and where bucks had used before also. Other than that I don't think a track in the mud can help determine any thing other than the size of the hoof and weight of the deer.
  17. Just think there is a whole generation that think you can't kill a deer from the ground..haha I have had them brush the other side of the tree before, it makes tree stand hunting seem easy.
  18. You could adjust your knocking point when you have that isssue, by moving 1/16 of an inch up or down it will correct it and not affect your field point flight.
  19. I can't beleive some of you guys don't wear them...I am a big scaredy cat I guess, I allways wear one in the stand.
  20. When I shot with my brother, father and uncle all the time we used to break each others knocks on purpose as kind of a game. It was a constant replacing of knocks and vanes, it was cheaper then it is now to replace stuff. I need a bigger target at home ;D
  21. Hell I would love to move west some day, way more game to chase out there. hmm I sense a mega camping trip some year soon, we were gonna go out there camping any way sooo, why not bring the guns..hehe after Gus is trained of course.
  22. Good for you, my brother was out of work for about a year, then he broke his wrist. All is good for him now, he is back to shooting the bow. congrats
  23. Hehe.. I got one of my wife's nice new arrows the other night at 30 yards. There goes about $10 worth of arrow. I am betting it happens with carbon arrows alot more than aluminum as I only came close once before in all my years shooting aluminum. This was our first night shooting together this year, usually we take turns due to crazy kids, this time we went out after they went to bed. You guys ever ruin arrows like that?
  24. Isn't there a strain of Pheasant that fly's up to roost at night, if so why don't they stick around. Its to bad, I am just getting into bird dogs and it looks kinda glim for opportunities to go after Pheasants.
  25. It turns out I actually agree with you, who knew. Maybe some one who reads this will have the time to start some thing up. I know you and I won't be the ones heading it up but there has to be some group of guys that has the time. If there was a group, even with some veiws that I don't agree with, I would join it. Any thing that betters the sport of archery and hunting is ok with me.
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