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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. All tapped and running here, let my season begin!
  2. Must be a young one, looks tiny.
  3. Looks like a porcupine to me.
  4. Looks like a Mink to me.
  5. Here's one from yesterday and his dinner the porky. I love the fact that they take out porcupines and other undesirables.
  6. It really depends on what the dog has and if there is a reasonable treatment available. We have a French Bulldog that went blind last year due to a diagnosis that escapes me at the moment and after many thousands of dollars and multiple tests we were able to restore he sight with a rigorous medicine treatment. She was going to die with out treatment so it wasn't just blindness in her case. For a diagnosis she had to have more advanced test's than I ever have had. It's not for every one and thankfully we were able to afford the expense. Good luck
  7. Having to put a pet down is down right awful but at least you had 13.5 wonderful years together. I can't imagine life with out my pups.
  8. Hal is a good guy, real easy to talk to as well. One of my recent life goals is to move to the big woods of Maine where I can track deer and hunt grouse and hare till I croak. That will wait till the kids are finished with school though.
  9. Popular myth. MYTH: You can catch the flu from the vaccine. The vaccine is made from an inactivated virus that can't transmit infection. So people who get sick after receiving a flu vaccination were going to get sick anyway. It takes a week or two to get protection from the vaccine. But people assume that because they got sick after getting the vaccine, the shot caused their illness.
  10. Here is a quote from the CDC. Pretty much easy to figure out. "Certain people are at higher risk of complications from the flu, so it's especially important that these people (and people who live with them) get vaccinated. They include: pregnant women kids younger than age 5 people age 65 and older people of any age who have long-term health conditions"
  11. One thing I know is a community college "professor" prone to fake news always knows more than anyone in the medical profession and should be revered as a Dr. That is an alternative fact!!!
  12. Get some of these .... http://www.gundogsupply.com/wild-pheasant-wings-2.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=WILD-PHEASANT-WINGS-2&gclid=CObZ-J3C_NECFcxLDQodGsUJyA and some scent and start hiding it in the yard to see if he is interested in it and make a game of finding it. If he is part pointer he may do a flash (short) point, don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed ever. At the very least you can make a flusher out of him. One step at a time and have fun!
  13. That is a huge positive believe it or not. That means he is willing to retrieve for you. Just remember to praise him for it no matter what he brings back, even if it is something gross. Have you had him on any kind of birds or a wing yet?
  14. Winchester XR with 5's or 6's, they should pattern well for you. And what they said on chokes and testing
  15. I thought the brown and yellow spots were stains.
  16. Read rule number four. https://huntingny.com/forums/topic/21057-classifieds-rules-please-read-before-posting/#comment-484487
  17. I do not think it would be an issue unless you shot a deer with one.
  18. Why bother for small game, yea they are a buck a pop but that's all you are getting out of them. Judo points can be had for @$4 for 6 and will last a lot longer.
  19. Six actually. You missed the Ocellated and Goulds.
  20. I used a wheel barrow. Lol I had the water to hot and the skin ripped on some of my money birds.
  21. I let them go too long and the plucking was a pain. Next year the ones we sell will go to a processor. Chickens on the other hand I do in a chicken plucker I built. I can two at a time in about 20 seconds. It's a hoot!
  22. It's definitely not a Midget variety, much to big for that. I actually might get some in the spring because they didn't not get as large and a broad breasted. We had some go to 50+ pounds live weight this year and let me tell you they eat too much and are a giant pain to process. It looks like some brown mixed in so I really can't tell what it is. Any one want a 32 pound frozen bird let me know lol PS We have Narangasettes now and they are awesome. You should hear my Tom gobble.
  23. A little info info on Turkeys. "A heritage turkey is one of a variety of strains of domestic turkey which retains historic characteristics that are no longer present in the majority of turkeys raised for consumption since the mid-20th century. Heritage turkeys can be differentiated from other domestic turkeys in that they are biologically capable of being raised in a manner that more closely matches the natural behavior and life cycle of wild turkeys. Heritage turkeys have a relatively long lifespan and a much slower growth rate than turkeys bred for industrial agriculture, and unlike industrially-bred turkeys, can reproducewithout artificial insemination. More than ten different turkey breeds are classified as heritage turkeys, including the Auburn, Buff, Black, Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Slate, Standard Bronze, and Midget White." Sure looks like a White Broad Breasted to me.
  24. Sweet! I hope I can find an assortment to pattern, I may even use it. hehe It patterns so good in my 12 that I had to add a Red dot.
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