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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. you can buy minerals already that way and mix them so there's almost no need. most good batches i know of are something close to 50% dical phosphate, 40ish% livestock salt, and 10+% of trace minerals. i could see Redmond Mines producing a powder but it's just more processing for them and more cost. probably do it though if there's enough demand. can't bait or put anything out for deer but idk how many deer i've seen hop the fence into a cattle pasture with salt/trace mineral blocks and a water tank out. his dilemma might be that Trophy Rock is a sponsor.
  2. we have backstops at the local gun clubs. i'm at the southern portion of the adirondacks and foot hills. where i am i'm hard pressed to need a back stop and i'm often limited by terrain and sharp changes in elevation for shooting distance.
  3. no i think that means she's just giving you the middle finger and thus the dominant one in the immediate area. does she snort wheeze at you if you don't give her attention or come over?
  4. Hybrid medium tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, garden beans, sweet bell peppers, blank spot where broccoli would've been, red onion, sweet carmen Italian peppers, more garden beans, more zucchini, and then whole rest is pumpkins. Been neglecting it. Weeds were getting out of control. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  5. Shanty style beers taste like what i imagine would be if you took a leak in lemonade. Not all but most. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  6. July 4th food. Chicken spedies, corn, Mac salad, and wshing it down with some Purple Haze. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  7. I've met many but not them. I've heard the same about them. In line with this thread a lot of the biggest names will pitch sponsored stuff but openly admit there's a lot of products out there that work to get the job done. I've met some lesser known prostaff that try to push some pretty silly gadgets and stuff. I'm sure they all come across pitched junk. They come across all kinds of stuff. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  8. in the beginning in MN filming stuff aside from their day jobs maybe. i know she's gone out with her mother with the roles flipped since they've gotten big. she's capable but to fill a show they pretty much have to have someone filming them when they're on the stand or doing anything hunting related.
  9. I'm a qualified "limited radiation worker" as part of being engineering consultant. Did you know exposure to such a thing is officially recorded and stays on record your whole life? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. Ha! Since ive had to boost my image. I've had a full beard for a few years now. Still full nerd at my dad job. If I had a cool nerd meme to post I would. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  11. agreed. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28605.html
  12. - get my dad back out there. - assuming she commits to getting prepared for it, get my wife her first deer (it'll have to be a bow because she only wants to hunt with that.) - take my daughter out to "hunt" deer. she's only 3 so it's pretty much an observation with binos type of sit. ...aside from that i'd like to fill as many tags as i can with my trad bow. when push comes to shove though i'll probably tote something more effective when i get on any of the 4+ yr old bucks i think will be around.
  13. i love the idea too with the exception the previous owners of my house planted sumac trees in the yard and going up the driveway. i got to them at i assume to be 13 years old based on when land was cleared and the house built. don't worry they're all gone now. it was all out war for a few years though.
  14. everything is doing alright. kind of wish i had a hot greenhouse to get them going better sooner. we've gotten lots of rain so that's good. seems like a garden can't get enough water. broccoli never seemed to do anything planting outside. maybe birds are picking them off or something idk.
  15. not the intent to beat up on grow, but regardless if illegal or not it's a bad idea to bury "rubbish". the town i grew up in is a basically home to multiple state super fund sites from people putting the wrong stuff in the ground that is now realized to be screwing with the municipal water supply. i hate it when people bury rubbish for that reason alone. not to mention, later on down the road it'll be somebody else's problem when they find it.
  16. she wasn't a hunter before she met him. she's long chose to be one since. i know of other very success hunters where it's a big part of their lives and their other half still doesn't pursue hunting. so i say good for her. they definitely are successful now, that's obvious. not like it was always that way though. he made a ballsy move to leave a good job as a chemical engineer behind, pack some belongings up, and relocate his life to big buck country to better pursue his dreams. he didn't have the big money endorsements back then and the risk he took was probably considered stupid. he made it work for him though and pretty much made it to the top of what he sought to do, so good for him too. i'd love hunting on their properties and be able to put in the hours they do, but i surely don't resent them for their situation of being well off, when i know they worked to get there. Tom Hoffman that's from around here has a ridiculous trophy room. he goes on $25k sheep hunts like a fat kid eats sweets, let alone the north american super slam he's done. he built up a business though to pay for his play. every time i go to a Hoffman's car wash or get an oil change at a JiffyLube I chuckle and shake my head thinking i got indirectly sucked into contributing to his next hunting.
  17. don't know about him or ellison or any recurve guys. supposedly we had 3 bronze finishes. i think recurve might be 70m and 50m for compound but compound score rings significantly smaller. when they nail the 10 ring its shooting a grapefruit at 3/4 of a football field or apple at just over half a football field away. that's pretty sick shooting even if they're the best in the world and shoot equipment a bit different than hunting setups. that said i'm off to 3D league.
  18. another thing if you use a wrap under vanes and lose a vane while shooting, you have to strip the whole thing off and put on new vanes and wrap.
  19. my trad arrows have a ton of weight up front so wraps add a little weight to the back end to offset so much front of center balance. helps adhesion at times for vanes or fletches. i've used the wraps with adhesive back (sticker like) and the shrink fletches with vanes on a wrap you dip into boiling water. they all work. that said i don't use wraps under vanes/fletches. trad arrows and hunting arrows of mine have a thinner width C-EZ reflective wraps that form a band just in front of my vanes or fletches. helps find my arrow. biggest reason is nock ends of carbon arrows can develop cracks and a wrap can hide them or cover up the issue. similar to broken strands of a string behind center serving on an old bow string.
  20. [you] don't really need it shooting hunting distances but it can help you shoot better. don't have one on my primary hunting bow but do i my backup/3D bow. i think even on a [bow with the quiver off] it helps but varies by how much based on the weight of accessories bolted to the side (sights, quiver bracket, rest, etc.). basically your exerting force to cant the bow to keep it up right. any time you exert force on the bow it's something else that can lead to inconsistency. it's not so much back weight as it is side weight. most hunting bows don't have a ton of weight up front to offset. some accessories help, for example i have a Tight Spot quiver on my hunting bow that fits in tight to the cams and strings to influence the bow less. i take it off when i get where i'm going to sit but if i run into something on the way in i'm not ditching my quiver first to get a shot off.
  21. playing devil's advocate.... knowing some TV pro(motional) staff hunters i can say it's tough and not all sunshine and rainbows. experiences they get from traveling and hunting critters all over is something you're hard pressed to trade off for almost anything else. they make things work around their own families and way they make a living. at times it's down right brutal though. your the guy/girl that everybody wants to hangout with all night at the camp fire, but if you don't get up in the AM and perform to put game on the ground AND on camera you'd be shipped down river. seems half the time or more you let something walk, because there's not sufficient camera light or whatever. maybe your alone on stand, stuffing camera batteries into your layers to warm them up enough film seconds of footage before the camera dies hoping you got your one opportunity on film. rarely are things raw and not a bit staged. how else are you going to get the whole story as clear and concise in just a half an hour and something that's enjoying to watch to boot? there's lot of hunters out there filming outings just ready and waiting to fill your boots. that said some are pretty established and well off to survive some bad PR. busbice family is one of them. in this case it seems like bad judgement made after a possibly honest but careless mistake. he should've took it on the chin and produced the screw up even with him calling to turn himself in. public would've excepted it more despite thinking he was still a dumb#$%. when in his situation though i'm sure it'd be a hard decision to make. probably why you hear about the number you do trying to cover up screw ups. easier said than done to except intentionally butchering your reputation on national tv. glad NY is part of the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact.
  22. I just turned it on and the one guy shot a 7. that killed it for him. didn't even see how far. 50 meters?
  23. I've had an itch to get another. I don't know if I want to go hunting handgun route or concealed carry route. wife has a beretta px4 compact but all mine are full size. I love my Sig 226 elite scorpion but it's nothing to do either with.
  24. don't blame ya. horrible picture that was all of 7 years ago. she pulled it off though. her and lee talked with the wife and i awhile.
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