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Four Season Whitetail's

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Four Season Whitetail's last won the day on July 1 2017

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About Four Season Whitetail's

  • Birthday 11/26/1963

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  • Interests
    Long Tined thick based wide whitetail bucks.

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  • Hunting Gun
    weatherby 300 mag
  • Bow
    Mathews switchback

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  1. A little research would show you many,many years back it very well was high fence deer released into the wilds of Ohio to save that herd. One would say Ohio stands above Ny in the whitetail world. Mediocre food here ( Behind Fence)is pretty much what my deer get outside the fence. !8% Pellet and Clover,Alfalfa in every bite. The genetics and the lack of stress is all it takes behind fence or in the wilds. Our 1000 acres of wild has produced bigger deer then most properties in our local area because of those same two things although we have some genetics its more age and lack of stress.
  2. Nah its not even worth the time wasted anymore. Kinda like blaming the deer farm for cwd after its been found in the wild herd first. politics in everything
  3. Be careful of that. Winter yarding stick close to food source. Check out the big picture of the properties around it that could continue to feed deer to your woods. Lots of $$ for sure but those 3 corn fields would scare me the most. Two fields and a block of bigger woods would be sweet but one on 3 sides could be dicey. Could also be just fine, Maybe goose hunting is not big around there. Good Luck!
  4. Ton of deer sign now or from deer past? if others pound those corn fields will you still have deer? Duck and goose hunters could be your worst nightmare banging them fields every day???
  5. I just dont see how anyone cote vote and support the thoughts the Dem.s are offering. My God can you see that world if he got in? Trump might not be the best for the job but he is no doubt the best out of the choices we have.
  6. I heard there were only 2 cases found. If you have water around that's where you will find them. midge bites and causes massive fever and they head for water to cool off and there they float.
  7. Send me my password from like 10 years ago if ya can?
  8. Yes. Did you have to change your password? I try to change mine and it says i need the old one? hell if i knew that i guess i would not need a reset. Might have to just start new account on here.
  9. Who would have ever thunk a jackass could be more successful then a few that worked their whole lives for the same job?
  10. Turned wrenches from high school up to early 30's. Retired the workforce and started raising Whitetails 25 years ago and have not looked back. Cool to see all the different stuff everyone does to get thru their day.
  11. All is well, Thanks. I check in about everyday, My phone shit the bed and now having a heck of a time with Taptalk trying to get hooked back up. Bucks are putting new growth on already and even found a couple sweet sheds out in the back 40... Everyone stay safe till this crap passes for sure!
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