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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Antlers are cut and breeding pens are full. Hunting Vacation started last weekend and good to go until late December.Southern zone almost made it to Xmas.
  2. West side not open till the 20th. Saw a pile last weekend on our farm that borders the park. Will be back down Thursday for a long weekend. Saw 0 deer dead on 390 on Friday afternoon and saw 8 dead between Mt Morris exit and the thruway on Sunday afternoon. 4 were for sure bucks.
  3. Where did you get all this from. Buck?? Where was there talk of a buck? He shot a doe and put his either sex muzzy/Bow tag on it instead of his doe tag for that area and now he cant hunt a different area of Ny with his either sex muzzy/bow tag. I Think. lol
  4. Thats what happens when they grow up. We could have them again and in reality we are getting bigger and bigger bucks every year here in Ny.
  5. I believe the way it goes is when you can see...Its Time!
  6. If she didnt wind ya at the time of you messing up her day with all that racket you will be good. Doe Fever set in? lol
  7. My God Yes! I could write down the names of the first 3 or 4. You know the law is the law. lol I think that was a screw up...It was meant to be 8:15. Must have been thinking about that other 7:30 appointment!
  8. I dont believe all of Livingston is in the no zone.
  9. Over and Over and Over. You know what they say about the ones that talk about the size of their ..........
  10. Yup this weekend will be my first. Headed to camp to hunt the edges of the park.
  11. CWD has proven itself to be just the opposite of what they said it would be. When they ban whitetail urine because research has injected the prion into urine and then the urine into a mouse to make it positive when in fact every brain and node positive deer that has had their urine tested has never been found to have the prion in the urine there is a problem. Just because researchers can do it does not mean it can happen in the wild. Politics are twisting research to fit their agenda!
  12. Yeah and that just what the politics want you to think. about deer, about deer farms, you name it. They have been using a disease for years that has done squat to any herds of deer anywhere. They had better be careful to what they ask for because picture this.... They now say the CWD prion is being found it corn and alfalfa, Well what do you think is going to happen to the whitetail deer when word comes down that big Ag is being shutdown because of this prion? The wild deer is what is going to cause these farms to lose billions and billions and then not just farms in our country..What happens to overseas movement of Ag out of our country? The farmer pays to raise the deer that hunters hunt, Not the hunter! If this comes down to the vermin wild whitetail that is moving this prion into farmers crop or the farmers being shut down themselves who do you think the loser is going to be? There will be all out war on vermin whitetail deer because of politics. Do you think you will ever see the law come down where no crops can be harvested and sold out of any CWD positive states? Even though they know 100% for a fact that farmers are moving possible tainted crops all across the world? But they will stop us hunters from using deer urine even though there has never been a case of the CWD prion found in natural whitetail deer! The day that happens is the day you will see these researchers say we were all wrong about CWD and to carry on with no concerns. CWD will be gone faster than Ebola.
  13. Caution yes but knee jerk reactions...Like killing hundreds of thousands of perfectly healthy deer looking to see if 1 may have it is far from being smart or cautious. Until man is involved then i believe life goes on. After 60 years of this crap on this planet and no harm done when does it get put to rest as something that just happens..Like Cancer?
  14. Kinda like people and cancer...Yes a few young get it but mostly old. Some stuff in this world like cancer and CWD that will never be cured or understood. We can and have lived thru CWD.
  15. Yup and now tell me that if CWD is the killer they say...For the last 10 years or so..how in the world are these mature bucks living long enough to grow record class bucks year in and year out? Cant have it both ways. Cant tell me CWD is a killer when all those states are tops in the books year after year and not miss a beat. CWD is killing nothing. Tell your buddies not to change their ways because of CWD. If they are trophy only then stick to it. Wisconsin and Illinois have most of the cases and hundreds of hunters still pay thousands$ every year just to hunt there! I have to ask...How close do your buddies live to the testing and research facility in Michigan? Again...Cases found around where man sticks his nose into mother natures business.
  16. Fewer does could also get your only good mature buck in the area over on the neighbors land chasing all his many does because he does not shoot till late season!
  17. Sure Do! My only add on is gallons of fresh from the farm doe in estrus urine ,Come the special time.,
  18. For Bow and Muzzy its a self permit. Go on line,print it out and sign it. Carry with you while hunting. Thats it. We rent a cabin every year for the guys that dont make the lottery. We stay at our camp most years and not even use the cabin. I believe we have room right now for 4 more hunters to get on under the cabin if you and your buddy needed an opening weekend hunt. Then your on for the rest of the season!
  19. If you are not fer from Rochester then you are not to far from Letchworth. Wish i had that place in my backyard! Or at least a couple hours closer!
  20. Nationwidescents.com and you will find all you need... Very good and very fresh. If you want some great stuff for the rut give Conquest Scents a look. VS1 is about the strongest you can find! Its what the VS stands for that makes bucks flip!
  21. I cant believe the Mod's missed post #34..... Maybe this site is coming of age? lol
  22. Maybe now that 20 people have clicked on his username he will cough it up!
  23. Must be i missed the one you are speaking of. Citations? I know of the case in Texas but not of any citations. Will see if i can locate it.
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