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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Why does it sound crazy for the hunters next to your property to shoot the fawns if the had doe tags? Would it be more acceptable if they shot the mother instead? I think either way, the surviving deer will go on living. I haven't seen a mother looking for her young, but I have seen fawns come looking for what must have been their mother when a big doe was shot from a group of does.
  2. Don't try climbing into it with a firearm in hand. Not even a bow. I can assure the NYPD is not pro-second amendment.
  3. You aren't a bowhunter unless you hunt wearing only a loincloth and barefoot. OK, moccasins are allowed if there's snow on the ground. Otherwise you are a lame excuse for a bowhunter.
  4. Maybe true for some bowhunters, but I am typically highly skeptical of those who continue to claim that they are the ones with the superior ethics, sportsmanship and keep telling me that they are the better hunters in general. Most people who boast about themselves are far from what they claim to be. Sorry that I have such little faith in my fellow man.
  5. And you know that it's your deer that is ending up in your freezer when you do it yourself. It does take some time but I wouldn't have it any other way!
  6. To hell with that deal. That's the reason I think many of you bowhunters are so full of it. A rifle hunter should only get 5 days to hunt while bowhunters should get a month and a half and many of you would want even more. It's not all about bowhunting.
  7. It's quite simple really. The "something" is that many of you "bowhunters" are so full of $hit.
  8. I have zero interest in crossbows, but if made legal I'd be the first guy out there with the 06 during archery season and wouldn't apologize to anyone for it. I get tired listening to bow hunters thinking that they somehow have better ethics and sportsmanship. They are legends in their own minds and that's about it in my opinion.
  9. Probably not enough to buy you and your family a nice dinner at a restaurant. Cuomo is crying that the state is broke after COVID so does anyone really think they would be giving taxpayers a big break for allowing hunting? No way. It would be chump change.
  10. I don't think you understand how this would work. Muzzleloader season would be moved from where it is now to Christmas week, so technically you wouldn't be getting more hunting time. This is the main reason I can't see this being implemented this year since the muzzleloader season dates have been set.
  11. Wrong as usual. I didn't vote for anyone this election. I have very little faith in Biden/Harris, and I had enough of Trump's antics to give him my vote. They are both losers but it looks like Trump turned out to be the biggest loser of all. He did himself in, so you can thank him for losing and not me for voting for neither.
  12. Led by the brilliant legal mind Rudy Guiliani. LOL.
  13. Damn, some of you guys are quite anal if this kind of stuff bothers you.
  14. I don't ever remember a change as significant as this one would be in the middle of deer season. My bet would be that it won't happen this year.
  15. Where does it say it's a go for this year? I can't see how it could be. This plan is supposed to change when muzzleloader season is to take place, and you can't change the dates now so close to the muzzleloading season. The dates are set in this year's regulations and you'd have many who would have no idea that the dates now changed. You'd have people hunting with muzzleloaders the day after regular season closed when they would not be allowed if this new rule was put into effect this year. Could these people now face a summons since they were only following the dates set in this year's official regulation booklet?? No way will this change happen this year.
  16. She will NEVER forget this one, that I can guarantee you. When you are both in your 90's she will still be reminding you of it. You have my sympathies.
  17. Yes, Biden was a weak candidate and should have lost. Can you believe that Trump was hated more than Biden, thus this led to a Biden victory? Maybe you should because that's exactly what happened. There is one reason that Trump lost and his name is Donald J. Trump.
  18. Some people bring back a deer from deer camp, some people get skunked. You guys brought back COVID! My apologies, I don't mean to make light of all this, but if this isn't a perfect example how this virus spreads like wildfire I don't know what else is.
  19. Just because Trump nominated them to the court and they accepted doesn't mean they don't consider him an idiot. If it gets to the Supreme Court or not, Trump will be going home to Maro Lago on January 20.
  20. Hope you get over it soon. And thanks for being honest about it. Way too many people in this country think this virus is nothing, but I surely have never seen any other virus/flu spread around the globe as quickly as this one and stick around for as long as this one has. It's no joke.
  21. I hear so many hunters say that. I am the complete opposite. I bow hunt on occasion, but honestly could care less about it. Put a rifle in my hands and I mean business. Gun season is where it starts for me.
  22. He's a complete idiot! He talks out of his a$$ just like Trump. They both talk like they know more than anyone else, but in reality they don't know $hit.
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