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Arrow Flinger

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Everything posted by Arrow Flinger

  1. One of my stands is in a spot like that. I've shot a lot of deer out of it during bow. Seems like the deer funnel around the outside corner of brush and come right by me in the open hardwoods. They also dump in and out of the brush right there too.
  2. I'd have to say I'm a 3 & 5, although I do on occasion divert back to #1 while out goose hunting but that's more or less because I always miss the darn things!
  3. No kidding! Keyboard Cowboys are everywhere! Did you see the link to the bow he told the OP to get? LOL!!!
  4. And I was in the Empire State Games shooting recurve, that don't mean I want to hunt with one! Quit giving people crappy advice. What you did 30 years ago with that bow is of no help the OP.
  5. You cant possibly be serious? He might as well buy a recurve if he's gonna get one of those old relics. You need to get the best equipment you can afford. If you can afford a $300 modern bow why would you buy a $100 antique? Listen to most everyones advice on here and go to a pro shop and shoot as many different bows as you can. From there, the bow usually picks you.
  6. I found my Muck Arctic Pro boots on E Bay brand new for $99 with free shipping last year. They are very warm.
  7. Gun season in the Southern Zone is definitely too long! Probably half the reason everyone is on here saying they had a crappy year. I don't know how any deer survive the month long gun season!
  8. I had a great season, one of my best for seeing deer actually. I ended up with one doe but could've and should've had a couple nice bucks. I just messed up. I ended up having 3 shooter bucks (to me) in bow range along with seeing about 10 other different smaller bucks during bow. And this was all on Public Land. Maybe the private land gets hunted too hard in NY? Gun season was a different story, but it always is!
  9. That's why I like my HBS. I wear just enough clothes to keep me warm but not sweating for the walk into my stand. Once in my stand I get into my Heater Body Suit and I'm warm all day. It rolls up and straps to your back for the walk in. Another nice thing is not having a ton of bulky clothes on when you go to draw your bow. I've used mine for 3 years now and haven't found a reason to get rid of it!
  10. The HBS is actually cheaper than buying new cold weather Camo's. My sons Dream Season Polar Fleece Suit cost about $500!
  11. I have a Heater Body Suit and now my freezing days are over!!!
  12. Shoot what makes you happy. Some of my hunting buddies think I'm nuts because I pass up a bunch of yearling bucks on the public land we hunt. I'm just looking for something a little bigger than a 1.5 year old buck. I've killed a ton of them and have higher standards now. I don't think many of the bucks I pass make it through gun season, but if they do hopefully they wander by me the next season! I don't criticize my buddies for killing the small ones. Do I wish they would pass on them? Absolutely, and maybe someday they will, but I don't give them crap about it.
  13. I hunt public land and saw a bunch of bucks this season. Heck, in just one of my stands I saw two 8 points, 2 sixes, a 5, a 4 and a spike this year! A public land hunting show could be done but its much easier for these guys to go to a game farm and shoot a "sure thing". And as far as how much money they make, I know for sure that a certain broadhead company paid a celebrity $40K for one year to shoot their broadheads! Imagine what Mathews pays these guys!
  14. Heck, I have a hard time passing up yearling bucks sometimes! I saw 7 different bucks out of one of my stands this year and could have shot 4 of them. It was tough to pass a couple of them!
  15. I must be in the minority. I've seen more deer this year than ever, especially during bow season. One morning I saw 10 deer with 3 of them being bucks and this was on State Land!
  16. I hear ya. I was thinking of making a trip to Wayne Nat Forest next year but may have to rethink my plans and drive a little further south!LOL!
  17. I saw that thread when he started it and thought "what an idiot"! I've had first hand experience of what happens when you shoot a big buck n an area. People follow your vehicle and hunt all your spots! I couldn't imagine what would happen if you posted a pic like that. I hope he hunts private land and has total control over it for his sake. I already know what county he lives in based on his posts. Wouldn't take much investigating to narrow it down further.
  18. I always preferred Speide marinade on my Venison
  19. That's a whopper! Too bad ya didn't get him but there will be other big ones you'll be after, I'm sure!
  20. I've always been a Gold Tip or Easton guy. Cant go wrong with either brand. I really like the Gold Tip Pro Hunters, they are one tough arrow!
  21. Is that Kurt? Did he get him behind his house?
  22. Me too. I was seeing bucks almost every time out in one spot during bow season so on Nov 5 I decided to break out the Antler Ice Estrous. I used it on 5 different sits and never saw a deer! Might be coincidence but I think I'm done with scents altogether except for tarsal glands.
  23. That's what I was thinking! A huge rub to me is about as big around as the calf of your leg. Generally speaking, I look for rubs wrist size or bigger to tell me theres a big buck working the area. It also helps if, like Phade said, it looks like it was rubbed with a cheese grater and not a metal pipe. Sounds to me like you have a big one around there somewhere. Heres what I consider huge rubs, and I found these on public land too!
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