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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Anyone find any morels yet? I usually find them right around the opening of turkey season. Haven't looked yet this year. Don't know how all the rain we've had will effect them.
  2. Regardless of what it scores, that is sure is one pretty mount! The taxidermist did a great job! I would be proud to display that one!
  3. They lose their shape when they've been rolled up and packed away for a long time. Just packing in a vest for a few days won't make it stay deformed.
  4. Just thought I'd mention when you pull out decoys that are deformed from being rolled up or stuffed away, use a hair dryer to apply some heat to re-shape. I've used a hair dryer on foam and rubber decoys and it works great. I thought I was going to have to throw out a couple of my decoys, as the necks were bend straight down and bodies terribly deformed. I used a hair dryer to heat up some of the bad spots and reshaped and they look as good as new.
  5. Yeah, getting within 30 yards of a roosted bird is possible, but I think that's pushing your luck. I would definately try to back off some. Sure does suck when you go through all the preperation, sneak in, and bust the birds off the roost. You can get away with some noise in the morning, as the turkeys are use to hearing deer and other nocturnal critters scamper about. Just try to keep the noise to an absolute minimum, get in very early, and keep the flashlight dim and low to the ground.
  6. This is the last year that my son can hunt the youth season. I've been out a few times listening at daylight and theres a gobbler roosting pretty regularly ~150 yards from the cabin. This is the exact same spot where my son took his first turkey 2 years ago. I went out on Monday, around lunch time, thinking I would get into the area where I want to setup our pop-up blind, while the turkeys that roost in there were gone. I was getting a game plan together figuring out exactly where we'll put up the blind and a quiet approach, when all of a sudden I heard a gobbler gobbling its head off coming out the hillside toward me (12:20pm). I snuck back out of the area and it sounded like he walked right through where I was planning on setting up the blind. This may be my sons last year of youth hunting, but it'll be my daughters first! She just turned 12 and passed her hunters safety course about 2 weeks ago. She's just busting to get out there!
  7. They are resilient, no doubt. Too bad it had to suffer like that though. I've had some bad headaches before, but that must have sucked!
  8. NICE!! How far do they usually run? Do they circle back or just haul ass to get as far away as possible?
  9. That should make some hunters and farmers happy!!
  10. 23? That's great! Still have a few weeks to rack up some more! How many do you take on average from year to year?
  11. Great job! Really enjoyed the video! Came to the site today specifically to see if anyone has been having luck with coyotes! NICE!! Going absolutely CRAZY that I can't get out myself!!
  12. Thanks for the heads up!!!! I've always wanted to try Eagle brand beans, but the shipping charges made it too painful!! Looks like there is a dealer ~20 miles from me!!
  13. Haven't tried the Daikon. Planted Groundhog radishes, dwarf essex rape, and purple top turnips. They haven't touched ANY of them!! What a waste...
  14. Tracking that way sure is a different way of hunting than most of us are use to! I can't imagine!!
  15. That's sure too bad! I found a gut shot doe that someone lost ~50 yards from one of my treestands 2 weeks ago. If the shot was ~2" lower, it would have missed her. Congrats on the bunnies though!!
  16. Thats about the same way I feel about winter!! ;D If my wife would move, I'd be out of here so fast! I HATE snow!!! I commute over 100 miles each weekday and snow makes the drive suck much more!!
  17. I feel your frustration!!! I go through the same thing with tresspassers! Makes my blood boil!! Maybe we should have a section devoted to tresspasser pics hoping members may recognize these ass-wipes!
  18. About 5 years ago, I was hunting during muzzleloader season and found a 4pt., that was gutted and laying along a 4 wheeler path. It was on private property and no one else had permission to be on there. I figured whoever shot it would be back to get it, since it had been gutted and everything. I checked on it every now and then, hoping to catch the person, but they never returned for it! Coyotes ended up getting it days later. Don't know if they were afraid to come back after it or if they had a long drag and figured screw it? Sure pissed me off though!!! I had been hunting hard and couldn't put one in my freezer, then this schmuk wastes one!
  19. I was at Dicks in Auburn last night and noticed that all their Hunters Safety System harnesses and accessories are marked down 20%-50%! The Pro Series are a great deal as they also include a line mans belt. I picked up a couple more Life Lines for $30. If you don't have a safety harness, this is a great deal!
  20. What's the ultimate foodplot for turkeys? I've tried soybeans, corn, winter rye, winter wheat, clover, and chicory with no success or big draw. 10 years ago, we had more turkeys than squirrels in the area surrounding my property. In the past ~7 years, seeing a turkey is a rare occurance. Don't know if it's predators, nest raiders, or what is causing the lack of tukeys. The habitat hasn't changed at all. In all of 2010, I saw a flock of 5 birds one time on my property in Sept. I have trailcams out all year, but never see turkeys.
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