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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. I smile ear to ear even when I get a doe but every picture I have I never smile, but then again I really never smile in front of a camera, don't know why. If I got a deer like that my pictures would probably turn out the same way!
  2. Hock3y24

    wtf snow!!!

    Nothing in broome, castle creek area.
  3. Hock3y24


    Under 40 degrees I let them hang a day or 2, unless I have time to do it then, if temps are very cold I skin it and cut it up because it's a pain to get those backstraps off when there real cold and my fingers are too!
  4. It is MUCH. Easier with a crank sausage stuffer, I switched this year from doing it with my grinder. They look tasty!
  5. There great, not the best expansion, but I have never recovered one due to them all being pass thrus. 5 deer with them for me and 4 hit the ground in there tracks, 1 went 30 yards and vitals were mush.
  6. Euro would look good! Up to you though
  7. Got it sat 11/15, makes me feel better after missing a 4 point!
  8. Just had a fisher run by 2nd one I've ever seen both this year
  9. First shot 630 here this am , nice and quiet
  10. Saw 3 deer this am, not many shots and the ones I did hear were 7-8 am
  11. Shots at 628 here had a doe and young buck go by at 7, too far away
  12. If there's snow on the ground tonight there's no guarantee I'll be at work tommorw!
  13. Rifle my gun likes a few rounds then a dry boresnake through it, shotgun I shoot Hornaday Sst and never clean that thing beside the end of the season with a dry patch.
  14. My 308 is a 1 inch at 100 gun and the 223 is .5 inch at 100, with boyds stocks and I changed out the trigger springs.
  15. Just had 5 turkeys go by 50 yards out, headed towards my friends stand who's waitin!
  16. Got the next 2 days off, heading to a friends property from work with anther coworker in the am.
  17. I didn't Even try I just waited it out took like a day
  18. Yah I got it on my hand too haha
  19. Slob! Nice deer congrats!
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